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You woke up a little early, Today is Mona and Amy's first day at school you wanted it to be atleast very special since you also want to introduce Kazuha to your friends. "Rise and shine girls." Yae said you all, Mona sat rubbing her eyes. "I'll be taking you three to school today." You nodded.

After some time you finally got to the university, You saw kazuha and some other friends of yours you decided it was a great idea if you introduced Mona and Amy to them. "Kazuha, Guys!" You waved they waved back at you but seeing unfamiliar people behind you made them look confused. "Guys this is my friends they transfered here for personal reasons they're majoring fine arts too!" You exclaimed excitedly which made them also feel excited. "Hi, my name is Mona Megistus."

"Amy Luchtloss Narfidort." You saw kazuha waved at them which made Mona's brow raise, "Ah.. Mona, Amy.. this is Kazuha Kaedehara my boyfriend." You introduced Kazuha to your friends. Mona examined your boyfriend with a look, "A scorpio, was it?" She asked Kazuha which made Kazuha sweat. "Y-Yes?"

"Well what do you think, Amy?" Mona asked the green eyed girl, "He looks cute, matches with Y/N." He said which made Mona sigh. "Approved i guess." Mona said as you smiled at them, then they too started to introduce themselves to mona. Until Minatsu and Albedo came. "Oh? Albedo Kreideprinz?" Mona asked which made Albedo stop.

"Mona Megistus, you're here welcome."

"Well I didn't know you two knew each other." You said, Minatsu however interrupted your sentence. "Shikanoin Heizou, Yae Y/N come to the council with us." You and heizou looked at each other before shrugging. "Then that means see you later?" Kazuha said you turned your heel at him as you hugged him. "Yeah see you later, Kazuha. I love you!" You said waving at him joining heizou as the four of you walked towards the council.

Mona and Amy has already been dragged by Yoimiya and Ayaka. They're in good hands you assume. "With votes from the council members you both are now members of the student council, welcome." Albedo said, you and Heizou looked at each other before congratulating each other. "Hold it." Minatsu said looking at you.

"I'd like Y/N to be my secretary." Oh you forgot, she's the vice president of the council. Just your luck huh? Heizou seemed to disagree with her though, "If you're taking Y/N as your secretary better take me too." Albedo rubbed his temples. "Fine, Sucrose and Ganyu shall be my secretary then, you two dismissed."

"Thank you Senior Albedo." You two walked away from the room. Heizou and you both walked in the hallway until he said something to you. "You should be cautious with Minatsu now." You gave him a curious look. "Don't worry, I'm not stupid." You said bsck with a stoic emotions which Heizou wondered when you're with Kazuha you show so much emotions but if he sees you alone you were usually and awfully quite intimidating.

You and Kazuha was on the rooftop enjoying your time together, It was already lunch break and you were exhausted. Kazuha being a good boyfriend that he is, brought you your favorite cake. "Kazuha thank you!" You said munching your cake in full anticipation. Kazuha saw your reaction and was containing himself on how cute you are.

"You look like a cute bunny chewing a carrot. My girlfriend sure is cute." He said tucking a strabd of your hair which made you pout as you looked at him after you were done eating he suddenly rested his head on your lap. "Kazuha, are you tired?" Kazuha smiled at you. "A little, from work." You caressed his hair as he closed his eyes.

"This is a song that I give to you." Kazuha said as he started to blow on the flute which made the woman listened to his tune. "Kazuha, I will always love the way you play the flute for me my dearest." The woman said as she smiled at him.

"As a gift, take this omamori of you. I made this myself." She said lovingly which made kazuha smile.

"I love you Kazuha."

"I love you too- Y/N."

The woman's face started to get more clearer and vivid in Kazuha's dream there you were sitting alone on a field flowers admiring them as you held a look of purity. "Kazuha?"

Kazuha's eyes fluttered open, "Had a good sleep?" You smiled, recalling his dream Kazuha was silent but then he beamed a smile as he kissed your forehead. "Yes."

"Oh shoot! I need to go to the culinary room Noelle's waiting for me!" You said, Kazuha chuckled seeing you panic, "See you later, dear." He said watching you ran hurriedly, when you were gone Kazuha was lost in a deep thought. "What was that dream?" It feels so vivid but it was just a dream better yet, you were there.

"These dreams are starting to get weirder and weirder." Unknown to kazuha there was a woman observing him clenching her fist as she walked away with tears on her eyes.

"Be careful not to overdo it so much." Noelle instructed you, which made you nod. "Oh.. it looks like we baked a little too much.. ehe." You said noelle only laughed. "Let's share, and give this to your parentd maybe they'll love it." You looked away.

You met up with Kazuha after school, "Kazuha, i baked too much so have this share it with heizou!" You said as you gave him a kiss on the cheek before going in the car, today you aren't going to Yae's house instead you're going to the main mansion.

When you got home, as you opened the door you saw your mother and father with disappointed look on their faces. Their gaze went from the paper bag you were holding, without noticing your father snatched it from you as he slammed the paper bag on the floor which made the cookies you baked fall on the floor you were shocked. "Look at you, spending your time on these useless things!" Your father exclaimed in an angry manner.

"Y/N, did you still not let go of that silly patiessieré dream of yours? I thought we agreed that you shall never ever brought that up again?!" Your fist clenched. "Why can't I do what I want?" You said.

"You're talking back to me now?!" Your mother shouted at you, you flinched but suddenly you remembered your boyfriend's words. "Why can't I bake? Look what do you all want?!" Your tears couldn't just stop flowing from your eyes. "I gave up that dream years ago because of you!"

"I gave it up to satisfy you but you two were never satisfied!" You shouted in clear frustration. "You have been keeping a secrets on us lately, If the teacher hadn't told us that you lose focus on your studies then we would've known!" Your mother said.

"I don't like it!" Your father broke a precious jar on the table as he pointed his fingers at you, "You have no choice! You are a daughter of a businessman you have to! Why can't you just be like your sister!" You flinched again. "Your sister is excellent, You! You always have that stupid ideas since you were a child!"


"SAKURA IS DEAD ALREADY." You said lowering your head, Your mother slapped you in pure shock you were too, Realizing that she had done a terrible mistake she tried to reach for your hand. "Y/N... Baby.. i didn't-"

You backed away slowly as you ran towards the door, you dialed Kazuha that himmediately picked up as soon as you called. "Y/N? What's wrong did you miss me already?" You didn't say anything but your sobs can be heard it made kazuha stop.

"Kazuha.. i need you."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the central park, Kazuha..." The call went off you got in a bench waiting for your boyfriend, after five minutes he arrived, he took off his helmet as he looked to you.

[ let's just pretend that fischl's last name is that one even though it's not since it's not specified what her surname was on the game

okay but this kazuha fanart though
cr : meestiie on insta ]

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