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Miko walked in the mansion with a disappointment on his face while she heard her mother's cry, “You slapped Y/N?!” she said angrily which made your mother flinch, “Miko I didn't mean too...” She said as she teared up, “Why are you guys like this to Y/N? Give the poor girl a break.” She said angrily.

Yae rubbed her temples as she tried calling you but there was no avail, you didn't answered her calls which made her worry. “If something happens to Y/N.” She threatened the both of them as she walked out angrily.

“Ei? Did Y/N come there?” Miko asked in panic, “No, I'm afraid not Miko, why so?” Miko clicked her tongue. “Something unpleasant happened between her and my parents and now she's missing..” Miko said trying her hardest to find you.

“Hold on, I'll go there.” Ei said.


You hugged Kazuha's waist tightly you didn't know where the two will head off too but you just thought about disappearing with him for a while, You felt safe on his arms. After some time you and Kazuha arrived on a isolated place that is good for sighseeing the starry night. You leaned on his shoulder as you held his hands tightly. “What happened?” He finally asked you. “I'm just really tired of them.” You said as you explained to him what happened.

“I have another sibling, but she was unfortunately she's not here anymore.. and it's been twenty years already, My parents always compares me to her... I hate it. I don't like it..” You said as you tears continued to flow on your eyes. Kazuha wiped it off as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “Have you forgotten what I told you? Choose something because you love it. Don't sacrifice yourself for the sake of others.” You nodded. You felt your phone rang so you bought it up and saw many missed calls from your parents, miko, and ei. But you were too angry to care you turned your phone off as you continued to talk to Kazuha.

“Y/N.. your sister is gonna get worried.” Kazuha said you looked away. “I don't want to see any of them.” You were dead serious about this you wanted to run away from them, Kazuha looked away. “No Y/N, you can't.” You hugged him tighter. “Kazuha just for a moment please..”

Kazuha couldn't resist you. How could he? In the end he gave up. And you two roam around the city. “Kazuha.. I love you.” You said which made the man stop. “I love you too Y/N, my home.”


While Miko and Ei is panicking because you aren't answering your phone, Which made Scaramouche roll his eyes deciding to contact someone from his school. “Kunikuzushi?” Heizou said picking up the call, “Hey, Is Kazuha there by any chance?”

“Kazuha went out earlier in a hurry I don't know where he went.” With that Scaramouche hung the call facing the two woman trying desperately to contact you. “Calm down, Y/N is with her friend.” Kunikuzushi didn't know why he said it was a friend when it's your boyfriend when he shoulf be exposing you; maybe because of what he heard from Miko made him hide your relationship.

“Atleast she's safe..” Miko said as she sighed.


“You said your name is Kazuha?” A woman's voice said which made the Kazuha shocked. “Yes..?” The woman came out which made Kazuha's eyes widened she had (H/C) colored hair, she was wearing a rather bizzare outfit and she had (E/C) colored eyes. “H-Huh? Who are you?!” Kazuha asked taken back as he was about to fell into a poisonous water.

The woman held his hands, as she looked into Kazuha's scarlet red eyes, “I mean no harm, My name is...”

Kazuha woke up again but this time he was wondering where he was, He was in a room or was it a hotel? He saw there were two beds and you were there too peacefully sleeping. Moments later you woke up rubbing your eyes as you were greeted by Kazuha. “Do you not want to go to school?” You brought your knees as you hugged them you shook your head. “I don't wanna..” You said firmly against the idea, If you go to school it's possivle that you will see your parents and sister or even your friends. You just wanted a peace of mind without minding them.

“You can go to school if you want, I'm fine by being here myself.” Kazuha sighed as he held your face, pinching your cheeks. “Fine, I'll go there. I'll comeback later and get you your favourite cake.” You nodded at him, as Kazuha left minuters later you found yourself coughing on the bathroom. With each cough, you felt blood going out of your mouth you covered your mouth as you tried to calm yourself, minutes later again you felt your nose was dripping blood. “It's fine..” You said as you wiped the blood off your nose.

“This is nothing to be worried about..” You quietly mumbled as you curled into the hotel bed, you didn't even have the appetite to eat breakfast, even if Kazuha told you to. You just wanted to sleep you were tired.


“Where is Y/N? Does she need someone to remind her that she is a member of the student council?” Minatsu said to Heizou, In which Ganyu interfered, “Y/N didn't attend classes today Ms. Minatsu.” Albedo only gave Minatsu a look before going bsck to the document he was holding. “She may be absent due to personal reason, Still You have Shikanoin Heizou to help you and if that doesn't still satisfy you, Sucrose and Ganyu can help.”

Minatsu clicked her tongue as she signalled Heizou to come out of the office. To do some official business like patrolling around the university. Minatsu saw Kazuha came which made her smile as she approached him. “Kazuha!” She said, Kazuha gave her a bored look. “Hi, Senior Minatsu.” before leaving their sight.


“Y/N didn't come to school?” Your driver Wei, nodded as Yae rubbed her temples concerned and worried. “Thank you, Wei you may go now.” The door opened revealing Vita which made her even more stressed than she already was.

“Vita, look I still have more serious problem than to have tea with you.” The lady chuckled, “I know that, you're sister is safe but she just really doesn't want to see you and your parents right now.”

“My parents..” Yae said. “They are mere strangers for me.” Vita chuckled as she eyed the woman. “Well, you lived here for years now are you... Still not used to this world?”

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