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“You too, enjoy the melodies of wind?” A man said as he saw the beautiful maiden embracing the flowers. “Yes, I think they're lovely.”

“Are you the diety that appreciates the true nature of music and art?” The maiden questioned, He nodded.

“This is music from my heart and mind and I offer it all to you.” He started to play the instrument as the maiden only listened to his tune, feeling peace within.

Kazuha opened his eyes, He was staring out the window it has been two days but he didn't saw you around the school. He misses you, and he regretted that he ignored you days ago. When it was break time he saw Heizou and the others. Kazuha looked at him but he only shook his head. “Y/N isn't in school today.” Xiao didn't say anything. “Ganyu said Y/N isn't present at their class too.”

“That's weird... Mona and Amy isn't present too.” Venti said, Heizou then replied. “It has been a rollercoaster for her, understandably, she doesn't want to see us yet.” Kazuha couldn't help but feel guilty that he ignored you, he must've made you terrible. He tried to call you but your phone didn't ring.



“YOU WITHDRAW THE ENGAGEMENT!” But her father was stubborn, “No, Your shameless sister is dating a person that is engaged therefore this is the only thing I can do to discipline her!”

Yae laughed. “Alright, Well let me tell you. Y/N is not going to inherit your business she will not take your damn business course, From now on and tomorrow onwards I will be Y/N's guardian. We will no longer be your daughters.” She said.

“I quit being Yae Publishing's CEO.” Your father pointed his finger at Yae. “How dare you!”

“Yae darling! You can't—”

“Y/N is in the hospital because of what you two did, I hope you all know that. She suffered enough, this is the last straw I won't let her suffer in your hands anymore.” with that, Yae left.

She visited you in the hospital for almost three days and you are still unconscious. “Maybe it was a bad idea to make your transfer here. Then should we go to another country?” Yae said as she held your hands, “You should've stopped, You didn't have to force yourself..” Yae kissed your hands. “Y/N, I don't want history to repeat itself.”


Four days? No news from you.

On the fifth day, Kazuha had enough and started to ask your professor but he wasn't alone Ganyu, Keqing, and Hu Tao were asking too. “Oh... You didn't know?” The man said. “Y/N will not go to this school anymore, Her guardian Yae Miko said that she will transfer earlier.” Their eyes widened. “WHAT?!”

“I also don't know the details, but you can ask the school's troublemaker. I think he knows something about it.”

The four of them tried to search for Scaramouche and they saw him on the field listening to some music. “Scaramouche.” Kazuha started, the purple-haired boy looked up to him as he scoffed. “Well, what do we have here?” He said.

“Do you know where Y/N is? Why is she planning on transferring?!” Keqing asked. But Scaramouche felt angry he started to punch Kazuha which made him stumble on the ground. “Scaramouche! What are you doing?!” Keqing exclaimed and broke them apart. “He deserves it for being a fucking asshole.”

“Y/N is at the hospital. And her sister felt that this school is not better for her, therefore she is sending Y/N back abroad or to another country.” All of them went silent. “Why is Y/N at the hospital?” Ganyu asked.

Scaramouche looked away. “You all don't have to worry about that anymore. She's out of danger, As for you Kazuha. You don't have to worry anymore I won't marry Y/N. The engagement is canceled.” With that Scaramouche left the four of them, Kazuha wants to say something but his voice won't come out.


“Are you sure about this Miko?” Vita asked the pink-haired lady. “I am sure about it.” Just then, a boy barged into the room a boy with white hair with a red streak as he sent a gaze on the two ladies in the room his gaze went to the unconscious person on the hospital bed. “You..” Miko said as she saw the person.

“My name is Kaedehara Kazuha, I'm Y/N's boyfriend,” Kazuha remembered the person, It was the old woman from before. “Oh my, we meet again. Did you perhaps dream about this encounter too?” The lady said but Kazuha only grits his teeth. “I'm very.. confused but only one thing is for certain. You know something about these dreams I am having.”

“Oh? And why so?” The Lady said.

“Because you were there.” Kazuha said looking at the lady with determination in his eyes which made Vita smirk, “And what do you wish to know?”

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