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You looked up to your window as you saw many buildings down the road, You feel tired and you just slept the whole day. You also didn't turned on your phone so pretty much you were bored so you only read books to ease your boredom. You felt a little sleepy.

“No! Please..”

“Kazuha, run away!”

“No i don't love you, please just let me go.”

Your eyes opened as you looked around to see it was already night time but Kazuha wasn't still here, so you only decided to open your phone upon opening it you received different kinds of messages from your friends, miko, parents but you only opened Kazuha's name but there wasn't any new message from him either.


Kazuha was lining up to see an Old Woman on the street, she was struggling to cross the road which made Kazuha go from the line to help the woman. “Hello, let me help you cross the line.” Kazuha said which made the old woman look at him as she chuckled. “Oh dear.. sorry to bother you young boy..” She said which made Kazuha shook his head. After they successfully crossedbthe road the old lady decided to ask him a question.

“Thank you for the help young man, tell me.. Are you there to buy your lover a gift?” Kazuha smiled as he thought of you, “Yes. It's her favourite.” Then the woman got something on her pocket it was a necklace, “Thank you for helping me son, this is a necklace. It has a wonderful meaning to it, Please take it.” Kazuha shook his head. “I can't possibly take it Ma'am.. it must be your most important posession please..” The woman shook her head, laughing.

“You are wrong son, this is a necklace from my friend. And as you can see I am mere but an old person I wish to give this necklace back and maybe it may go back to it's own original owner.” Kazuha didn't argue back but took the necklace which made the woman smiled.

Sometimes your dreams represents the future or the past, and I dreamed that someday I will hand this necklace to a man and i believe that time is now.”  Kazuha pondered for a moment, “Can you dream about your past?” The woman looked at him.

“Ho? Yes.. you can dream your past, be it your memories or your past life...” Kazuha was puzzled but he then saw the woman walked away as her form started to change into a tall woman which made Kazuha blink twice with one look the woman gave kazuha a wink as her finger on her mouth as she walked away completely.

“Kazuha.. we met again, this time just what will your fate be?” The woman said as she looked up to the sky.


Your mother was crying, you were missing for a day now they received no calls, messages from you which made them nervous as to where you were and what your status is currently. “It's my birthday soon, If me and Y/N don't make up it will surely ruin my birthday..” Your mother said, Yae gave them a sigh. “Well.. this is your fault to begin with.”

Just three days from now, it was already your mother's birthday. Time flew fast indeed; “Don't worry, Kunikuzushi said she's staying with a friend.” Yae said as she left, she didn't like this anymore and she needed to search for you.

When Kazuha arrived he saw you already sleeping which made him sigh, going to your side he caressed your hair gently as he landed a soft kiss on your forehead. “I'm sorry, I'm late..” He said. You started to mumble some words made Kazuha chuckle. “Ka..shoha... Don't leave me...” Kazuha slept together as he hugged you closer to him.


You fluttered your eyes open to see Kazuha beside you he was smiling as he stared at you, “Kazuha, come with me two days before I go back home.” You said seriously. For some reason your heart had an ominous feeling. “But what about school?” He asked, “Just for now Kazuha..”

Kazuha nodded, A little vacation wouldn't hurt would it?

The first destination was the amusement park. As you both arrived the park you saw many things which made you smile and laugh. But one thing made kazuha worry. Your lips were pale, “Kazuha! I want to try that ride!” Kazuha obly sighed staring at you with full adoration as you smiled. You looked so happy genuinely which made him happy.

“Kazuha, look!”

“This is so fun!”

Your laugh, it was a melodic tune on his ears. “You looked beautiful as you smile..” Kazuha mumbled from a far watching you trying to interact with some kids that is waving for your attention. “Pretty sister! Pretty sister! Is this your brother that you love!?” The chid said pointing at Kazuha. You nodded as you hugged him. “Yes!”

Kazuha then asked a mascot to take a picture of the two of you which made you giggle.

When the day is already ending, you two decided to ride the ferriswheel last time. “Thank you for staying with me Kazuha.” You started a conversation as you looked out in the scenery outside the wheel, Kazuha held you hand tightly. “To be honest... i never experienced a proper childhood because I was forced to read a book when I already have my own mind as far as I can remember.”

“But to be able to experience the amusement park with you... I'm truly.. happy.” You said. “If you want to try and learn new things remember that I am here with you always.” Kazuha said and it made you nod, you two watched the scenery as the wheel was slowing and now you two were at the top. You were stunned to see the scenery above as you decided to take a photo of it, suddenly,

“I love you, Y/N.” Kazuha said as he held your face, before you could answer he kissed you just as the fireworks started.

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