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You didn't know if you wanted to say it to your sister, It was the first time you had been in a relationship, Yae might approve of it but you knew your parents wouldn't not in a lifetime. So you decided to keep yours and Kazuha's relationship a secret. You smiled to yourself as you got inside your room. 

Kazuha on the other hand was forced to come home to his house, where he saw the two girls earlier on his booth. “Oh Minatsu, Irin hey.” Irin smiled at Kazuha, “Hey what's up?” Irin asked.

“I'm fine what brings you here?” Irin was the girlfriend of Kazuha's step sibling, Yugo. And Minatsu is a business partner's daughter. “Aunt said it's a good thing to get together from time to time.” Minatsu said smiling, Kazuha didn't say anything however she slipped her hands on Kazuha's arms which made the boy startled. “Oh look at you two, being lovey dovey.” Yugo said as he took a good look on Kazuha and Minatsu. Kazuha only looked away.

“It's not like that, keep your nonsense to yourself Yugo.” Kazuha said brushing Minatsu's arms off his, In truth he didn't want to go to this gathering. But his mom wouldn't just let him. “Kazuha, my son you're home!” His mother hugged him tightly, He didn't responded. Which made his mother sad.

While on Dinner, “I see that Irin and Yugo are doing well, How about Mina and Kazuha?” Minatsu blushed but Kazuha upon hearing the adults talk made his mood worsened, he slammed his hands on the table as he stood up. “There is nothing between me and Mina, I have a girlfriend so stop playing these games already.” He said as he walked away in which Mina's eyes widened, “Kazuha! Where are you going?” Kazuha's mother shouted, Kazuha walked out and prepared to leave riding his motorbike.

“Kazuha has a girlfriend..?” Minatsu mumbled.

Kazuha saw a notification message on his phone revealing your message; He had such a terrible mood earlier unknowingly he smiled.

Why aren't you sleeping yet? It's 11pm.

I need to complete thus project
I just need 30 mins to complete it
i think??

Why are u still up yet?

I can't sleep.


My girlfriend is cute.

Stop that and sleep

Alright, alright.

However Kazuha was on a racing field, He needed to let out his frustrations so he came here. “So much for a gathering.” he clicked his tongue as he drove faster.

Morning came and as you dropped off to school you saw Kazuha waiting for you in the university gate, “Kazuha!” You waved your hands you walked towards him with a smile. “Hi.” You said, Kazuha smiled as he held your hand which made your stomach feel all sorts of feelings. “Oya? What's this? Kazuha has a girlfriemd?” A cheerful voice spoke you looked up to her to see a brown haired girl with red streaks on her hair ends, she has pretty flower pupils which made you gasped on how pretty it is.

“Hu Tao..” Kazuha facepalmed. The girl came with Xiao and Ganyu. “Ah, how rude of me. My name is Hu Tao!” Ganyu sighed, “So sorry for that Y/N, this is my sister Hu Tao and also has the same major as us.” Your mouth formed an O, ”Oh! You're Hu Tao! Yanfei's long lost bestfriend?” You asked. She winked at you. “You bet!”

Xiao groaned. “Oh by the way, since Xiao lost the bet yesterday we talked to our father yesterday and he allowed us to use the resort. So let's go there, won't you Y/N?” Ganyu said, eyes begging. Hu tao came close to your face. “COME ON SAY YES.” She said excitedly it was the first time you knew her but you immediately like her she was like Yoimiya except more energetic and lively. “Sure why not?” You smiled. Kazuha and Xiao then separated ways to you three, and you together with Hu Tao and Ganyu came to your classroom while you talked.

“Oh? So you mean when I transfered here you were supposed to be discharge in the hospitak but for some reason you tripped on the hospital stairs again because of wet floor and your conditioned worsened again.. so it took you three months to go back...?” You asked, Hu Tao nodded proudly as Ganyu only sighed. You laughed. “Hu Tao, you're so funny I like you alot.” You said out of the blue which made the girl held your chin wiggling her eyebrows.

“Girl forget your boyfriend, choose me instead.” She said in a joking way which made you and Ganyu laugh. “Oh speaking of which, I heard you will run as one of the student council?” Ganyu asked. “Oh? You knew?” Hu Tao then replied, “Ganyu is a part of the council.”

“Oh? Really.. that's nice to know that I have someone I know.” You smiled.


Albedo prepared the necessary paperworks that needed in the council today, Sucrose came in the office as she handed him the new papers regarding the school matters, Sucrose was Albedo's secretary. “Mr. Albedo we will have a meeting at 10am.” She reminded.

“Yes I got it Sucrose.” He said as he got out to go to the place, Everyday was busy for him because simply he is the president, “Good Morning, President.” the freshman representative said as they entered the room. “Oh everyone's here?” Albedo asked. “No, Mr. Albedo The Vice President hasn't arrived yet.”

Some time later the door opened revealing Ganyu and a woman with gray hair, “Apologize for the wait, Let's start.” Minatsu said. Sucrose nodded the meeting was all about the new candidates for the council. “Shikanoin Heizou, Yae Y/N?” Albedo said.

“No objections?” There wasn't any reactions either. “Then they're the only qualified for screening. Ganyu I will leave the informing of them to you.” Minatsu said as she left the room hurriedly. “Yes, Ms. Minatsu.”

She and Irin came to the cafeteria only to witness Kazuha talking to a woman, “Mina? Are you okay?” Irin asked. “Who is that? The one who is with Kazuha?” She asked her eyes not leaving their sight. “Oh, that girl? That's Yae Y/N. Yae Miko's Sister.”

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