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“Y/N, drink your medicine.” You nodded but before you could take your medicine you heard the door bell rang which you and Miko shared a glance at each other, “Who could that be?” Miko asked, You two got infront of the door and your face went pale when you saw the person standing on the door. “What are you doing here?!” Miko asked angrily you held your shoulders anxiously as you hid behind Miko. “My darlings! Mommy misses you two please..” You shivered as she heard her mother's voice.

You were trembling and recalled unpleasant memories. You covered your ears as you bite your lips your mother had a concern gaze on you while your father tried to approach the two of you, you backed away scared you screamed on top of your lungs. “Don't come near me! Don't come near me!” Miko got angry as she blocked your parents from approaching you more, She made a call immediately to the police.

“Miko Darling no, please! We just want to see you two we are not here to hurt you two!” You shook your head, “I don't want to see you! I hate you with all my life!” You said, soon the guards came and took your parents away your father begged infront of your sister but Miko didn't care. “It's okay Y/N, It's okay they're gone now no one's gonna hurt you, okay?” You nodded as you embraced her further. “You only need to know, that your family is only me no one else.”

After a while you were resting on your room, your personal doctor sighed a relieved sigh as he left your room, “Thankfully It didn't cause anything serious.”

“She's too traumatized from them, Do take actions, even if they didn't physically abused your sister they did left a scar on her life mentally and emotionally Y/N was abused, pressured and her health was even endanger at some point, Luckily Y/N is a strong woman and fought for to be better these two years.”.

Miko shook her head, “You're right.”

“Just let her rest for now, especially now that I heard she will be representing the country on the Patissiere Prix soon.” Miko nodded and escorted the doctor out, after she was done her secretary came and told her some reports that needed some attention. “Also Miss Yae, I have already acquired the place for your future café as you have required we will start the construction of it soon.” Yae nodded.

“Remember Aoi, that is not my café It's a café of my sister. I am simply making her dreams come true.” The secretary nodded as she smiled.


“Kazuha you going to the Prix?” Yoimiya greeted her friend, Noticing the glum expression on her friend's face she smacks him. “Aw.. what was that for, Yoi?” Kazuha said. Yoimiya gave him a scolding, “You think Y/N will like your expression?” Yoimiya asked, Kazuha sighed.

“I just missed her really.” Yoimiya sighed at her bestfriend. “I know Kazuha. Believe me she'll comeback but right now.. don't you think you have more important to do?” Kazuha hesitated for a moment, Yeah maybe there was.

Moments later their group of friends arrived.  “Hey! After begging Senior Albedo we finally got permission to come to the prix to cheer on Noelle!” Mona said, Kazuha eyed Mona but the lady only shrugged. “Me and Ms. Yae Miko had a call yesterday night, she said Y/N is getting better. And she said something about soon? I don't really know.”

“It's great to know that Y/N is getting better.”  Ayaka nodded. “Yes, I miss her so much.”

“Noelle, hello! Are you preparing for the competition?” Yoimiya asked the lady nodded. “Yes, In fact i know what i should do now.” She replied excitedly. “Goodluck noelle, I know you will win.” Venti said as he gave Noelle a thumbs up.


“Y/N! You're practicing?” Collei asked as soon as she entered the baking room, There she saw Y/N focused on decorating the pastries. “Shh, she's concentrating.” Nilou said and winked. Your friends eyed you in a distance.

But you were lost.

You were missing someone right now, Unexpectedly you found yourself tearing up in which your friends was alerted by the sudden situation, “Y/N!? What happened why are young crying?” Collei asked worriedly, you wiped your tears. “Ah no.. I just missed someone.” You said, Nilou and Collei looked at each other. “Is it your lover?” You nodded.

“Don't worry Y/N, Didn't you say after this competition you'll go back home, you two can finally be reunited!” You nodded and smiled. “Where's tighnari and cyno?” You asked. “They're playing uno.”

You giggled, “Shall we give them some snacks then?” they nodded and you came in the room together with them where you saw the two male yelling at each other holding uno cards. “What a normal day indeed.” Amber said giggling at the sight. You only shook your head.

“You brats are yelling again—” Haitham said as he stepped inside the room, “Senior Haitham it's just them not us!” Collei exclaimed rolling her eyes, “You guys scream trouble.” You shook your head. “Hey Senior, can you judge my pastry?” You said and handed him the cookie he took a bite, “It's sweet and delicious.”

“Good Job, even if you don't what's important is you did your best.” Haitham said as he pats your head. “Come on! Senior Haitham have some faith on Y/N!” Amber and Collei both said in unison. Nilou giggled and nodded.

“I do have faith in Y/N, more than i have faith in you all.”

“UNO!” Cyno exclaimed your attention whipped to see tighnari on the side sulking and Cyno laughing like hyena pointing fingers at tighnari. “You suck at this.” He said as he was out of breath and coughed.

“YOU LOST?” Collei asked Tighnari, “Shut up, You guys are just loud i couldn't concentrate!” He said denial about his loss. Which Amber took as an opportunity to tease him even more. “Yeah sure~!”

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