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Today was a little different, Kazuha wanted to take you somewhere you two rode his motorbike and when you knew it you are now standing in a cemetery in the grave of his father. “My father and I promised each other that If I found someone that I want to marry in the future he must be the first to know.” He started as he looked at the tombstone. You listened to him.

“He died years ago because of his heart disease, and since then I thought I was fine with just my mother.”

“One day, not even that long since my father's death My mom came home with a man and a person. My stepbrother and my stepfather, I was angry.. That I didn't want to acknowledge him as my father i swore.” You saw Kazuha, despite his calm nature he is carrying a burden on him. “I hated my own mother.. I.. questioned myself, did she truly love my dad? Why did she marry another man..”

“Kazuha..” You spoke, “They wanted me to Major Business to for my father's company, but father said to me. That it was fine If I don't inherit the business I just need to continue to pursue what I want.”

“He said, nothing will ever come good if you pursue the wrong path and career. He said that our company strived because he did truly enjoyed business.. But he didn't want to burdened me as an heir he wanted me to live as my own, not pressured. That's why i pursued Fine Arts.”

The wind made its way to your direction, Kazuha tucked a strand of your hair as he gaze upon your eyes, “Therefore, Y/N breakfree from it. Do what you love.” Your tears started to form on your eyes. He was the first one to say this to you, “Kazuha...” Suddenly you found yourself leaping at him for a hug as he chuckled looking at the tomb infront of you, “Dad, this is my girlfriend.”

“She's a little stubborn, but she is the woman I wish to marry and watch walk trough the aisle.” Your heart skipped a beat as you blushed. “Kazuha..” You said as you smiled. “Hello, Mr. Kaedehara!” You showed him the ring that you two brought, “You can trust that I will take care of Kazuha.”


Minatsu was standing on Yae Company's building, two days and both you and Kazuha didn't go to school, “I heard you are here to see me, what do you want?” Your father asked as he saw minatsu, Minatsu took a deep breath. “Mr. Yae. I am Hikari Minatsu, I am the Vice President of the University your daughter is currently attending.”

“Yes?! Did my daughter came to school already!?” Your father asked, Minatsu shooked her head. “I have something to report... Your daughter is dating my fiancé.” Your father's eyes widened. “You dare slander my daughter?!”

“I am not slandering your daughter but It is the truth. I wish that you discipline your daughter, and please let her keep a distance between my fiance, or I would let the public know about this.” Your father became angry dialing his men to search for you this instant. Minatsu smirked as she left your father's office.

“You should've broken up with him Y/N.”


“Kazuha, You must not let this pass you must come with me to this party.” Kazuha rolled his eyes at his mother, You went home already and Kazuha went home since he was summoned by his mother. “This is the Yae Family!” Kazuha's ears perked hence he decides to nod.

“Good, Bring Minatsu as your date.” Kazuha was about to protest but his mother gave him a look. “Do it, and I will never bother you again, Just this time Kazuha please.”


When you opened the door to Yae's mansion you were greeted by a slap as you saw your father, “How dare you date someone else's fiancé!?” Your eyes widened. “What are you talking about?!”

Your father grabbed your hands as he immediately took you to his car he drove it Mona and Amy saw you you tried to call their name but your father slid the window up. “You are so gonna get it young lady!” Your phone lit up and your father went even more enraged he grabbed your phone throwing it to the side. “Dad! What's wrong with you!”

When you got home you were immediately thrown at your old room but this time the windows were locked. “Dad let me out of here! What are you doing this is!”

“Reflect on yourself young lady you will not come out of this room until I say so!”

Kazuha didn't receive any messages from you which made him wonder. But either way he knew he would see you again tomorrow, but there was an unsettling feeling in him.

You didn't ate anything, and you felt like throwing up you didn't have any sleep you tried many times to shout until the door opened you saw a make up artist, “Ms. Y/N today is the birthday of you mother I am tasked to take care if you.” You didn't reply instead you only stared at her.

As you she made you look pretty you couldn't help but feel nervous. You didn't know suddenly your mother came in and hugged you you were surprised. “Oh Y/N baby, Mommy is sorry for slapping you it won't happen again..” You didn't reply. Everything looks hazy.

Yae greeted the guest as her friend Ei, cane in and hugged her. “Woah, theres so many business man around here.” Yse chuckled. “A lot if plastic personalities too.”

On the side, Kazuha, Ayaka, Yoimiya and Heizou, Keqing, Xiao, Hutao were on the side. “I wonder where Y/N is..? It's been four days since we last saw her i miss her so much!” Yoimiya exclaimed. Mona and Amy came towards them and greeted them personally. “Mona, Amy! Did you guys see Y/N?” Ayaka asked but the two of them shrugged. “We haven't seen her either.. maybe she's here but didn't came in yet.”

“Perhaps.” Minatsu said chuckling as she slips her arms on Kazuha's.

Minutes later your fanily entered as the guests cheered, but Minatsu's face went pale as she saw the same woman she splashed coffee with. Kazuha saw you but he was confused on why you wore such a saddened expression. “Y/N is so pretty!”

Your father started his speech, You saw Kazuha and Minatsu together which made your stomach churn. “Thank you for coming to celebrate my wife's birthday please enjoy yourselves!”

You thought it was over. You wanted it to be over.

Suddenly, Raiden Ei came in as she smiled at you Kunikuzushi was behind him. “Happy birthday aunt.” She spoke to your mother in which your mother replied happily. “We are also happy to announce that my brother, Raiden Kunikuzushi and Yae Company's heir Yae Y/N is engaged!” You saw Scaramouche's widened expression as he looked at you the both of you looked at each other the people were clapping themselves congratulating you both.

You saw your friends eyes’ widened but you saw Kazuha looked at but you saw him walked away you were about to run to him but your father held your arm tightly.

[ I'm not sorry bcs things is about to get interesting ]

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