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“You're being unreasonable Kazuha! You knew you will eventually marry Minatsu in the future!” Kazuha's mother exclaimed, Kazuha gave a glare at his mother. “Haven't I told you? I'm not marrying someone you arranged for me.” Kazuha said leaving them but Minatsu hugged him tightly. “Kazuha.” Kazuha breaks free from her hug as he clicked his tongue. “Listen, You're not my girlfriend, And you're not the woman that I want to marry. It's better for you to give it up.”

“I don't understand.. Kazuha! Why won't you love me? You and Y/N didn't even met that long what qualifications does she have that i don't have?!” Kazuha wanted to say the truth, but he might get called crazy.

“Love has no time, I just simply love Y/N. Not you. So give up and let this foolish thought go.” Minatsu kneeled on the ground. But kazuha won't look back at her no matter what she does, That wasn't fair. She was with him ever since she can remember sure she was absent because she went to abroad and that also caused Kazuha and Kunikuzushi to stopped hanging out with each other, because of her disappearance.

“Dear, Minatsu! It's fine I'll talk to his girlfriend's parent personally! What's her name?!” But suddenly they heard the sound of footsteps they looked up to see two pink haired woman. “Ms. Yae!?” Kazuha's mother jolted as she saw Yae. “Hello, I had free time so I escorted Kazuha here. I am the guardian of Kazuha's girlfriend.” She smiled but the woman's face turned pale.

“K-Kazuha i-is dating Yae Y/N?!” His mother exclaimed, Yae nodded still smiling, but Minatsu was enraged. “Who cares if you are Yae Miko, You pair of siblings are arrogant causing people's misfortunes.” She said while her lowering her head, Yae heard this and thus made a chuckle.

“Minatsu!” Kazuha's mother tried to stop Minatsu from talking further in the presence of the woman. “Misfortune? Well Ignorance is a bliss they say you certainly grown up into a naive little girl with pathetic wishful thinking.”

Minatsu clenched her fist, “How dare you slander me?! You're just Yae Company's daughter without your father's company you wouldn't become this big!”

The other person chuckled. “Miko, It's no use to chichat with a moron.” Miko sighed, “You're right Elysia.” Just then Yae bent down to her as she whispered. “I am not just Yae Miko, I am the person behind Narukami. Your father begged me because he owes me, I didn't cause your family misfortune your father did.”

Minatsu felt chills as she saw Yae looked at her. “I can ruin your reputation as well, knowing what you did to my sister.”

“You gave her a punishment without even knowing her reason for being absence? That's not what a vice president of a council should do.” Yae shook her head as she clicked her tongue sending more shivers towards Minatsu's spine.

“My sister suffered because of you, so what should I do with you?” Kazuha's mom was anxious while Yae only smiled in return, Minatsu felt her stomach churn. “I know! I know!” Elysia said excitedly, Yae sat down on the empty chair as she listened. “What is it, Elysia?”

“How about we take things deeper?” Elysia smirked as she gave Miko a whisper making Miko smile through the idea. “Interesting suggestion, I like it.” Yae said crossing her legs, Minatsu didn't like this she feels ominous. “I.. Please don't do it.” Minatsu kneeled down infront of Yae.

“What's that? I can't hear you.” Yae mocked her which made her even more fumed. “I'm sorry..” Minatsu said, But Yae wasn't having any of it. “Be ready, for retribution.” Yae said as he walked away. Minatsu held her shoulders anxiously.


“When will Y/N be awake I'm bored!” Hutao said as she pouted meanwhile her lover, Yanfei only peeled the apples making it into bunny shapes Kazuha and the other's were visiting you in the hospital. Suddenly,

You opened your eyes and was greeted by a white ceiling. “Y/N!” Ganyu exclaimed your eyes widened. “G-Ganyu.. Y-You Guys..?” You said weakly realizing that you were in the hospital just now. “Y/N! You're awake!” You saw all of them smiled at you, but you noticed one person standing far away, It was Kazuha. He looked like he didn't sleep for days. He looked tired. Keqing knew this so eventually she asked all of your friends to leave leaving you and kazuha alone.

You remember everything, Now that you remember everything it's much better for Kazuha to forget and move on from you. Kazuha held your hand with tears brimming on his eyes. “Y/N, I'm sorry..” He said you were confused, “Kazuha, no stop you didn't need to.” You smiled. “I'm sorry.” You said as you gave him a smile.

You needed to hurt him again.

For him to be able to live his life to the fullest, You were just a mere mortal now you can't do anything to protect him in the modern world, You changed yours and his’ destiny, you didn't want your sacrifices to be in vain. Kazuha hugged you and you returned the hug back, The both of you just stayed in that position for minutes feeling each other's warmth.

You looked up to see his scarlet hue eyes, Vita clearly said that he has a burden to carry and your memories shall be erased so why did you remember it all now? Was it also the reason why kazuha looks scared and tired now? You held his face as your lips touched together which made kazuha's eyes widened.

Even if it were millenium years later, I'll still love you.

Even if you change your appearance, I will still love you.

Nine lifetime, and it's still you.

Even if time turns back.

I love you in every universe.

“Kazuha, listen to me.” You said as you brought his face closer to yours. “Let's break up.”

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