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Kazuha walked past your classroom, He glanced at you seeing you chatting with Keqing and Ganyu happily. Without knowing himself he beamed a smile, which made Venti alerted. “You're smiling? That's so suspicious.” He said raising his brow.

“Hey xiao, when is Hu Tao coming back to school?” Xiao glance at hus friend before replying, “This week. The doctor's said she should be fine within this week.” He sighed in which aether only laugh.

“Oh, speaking of which! The Fine Arts department will host a theatre play soon I told Yoimiya that we will watch it together so she said she'll reserve of some tickets.” Keqing said and you nodded. Life has been good lately, “What's the play all about?” You asked in curiosity.

“It's a legend years ago, Legend of the Five Kasen I believe.” Your curiosity reached its peak because of the title, “I'm sure it's going to be a good show, I can't wait to see it with you guys.” You said. As you were waiting for the driver on the sidewalk you were greeted by Kazuha, “Hi.” You jolted when you heard his voice as you waved. “Hello, Kazuha.”

“Want to eat ice cream? My treat.” You chuckled because of his invitation but nonetheless you agreed, As the both of you walked in the icecream shop you ordered your favorite flavor, strawberry. “It seems like you really like strawberry.” Kazuha said you nodded. “I like strawberry!”

You two decided to stroll around a nearby park, which you two both instantly regret since the park was filled with couples every where. You saw a bench nearby and decided to sat on it. “Kazuha, I heard you will perform a play soon. Goodluck with that.” You said as you smiled.

“Thank you, I hope you are there to watch it.” You gave him a nod, “I will definitely go! I'll go with Keqing and Ganyu.” You exclaimed but immediately looked away, Your behavior was quite cute making Kazuha chuckle by himself. You stopped as you heard him laugh. A sudden flash made you recall something.

“One day, I will marry you!” A young voice of a girl said, The boy laughed as he replied. “Yeah, I'll be waiting for that!”

“Y/N? Y/N?” You snapped back to reality as you faced Kazuha. “Yes? Sorry I was distracted for a moment there.” You said. “What I meant to say was... Your driver is already here. ” You stood up and bid farewell to Kazuha as you got inside the car, On the way you got a call from your friend, Mona. “Yes, Mona?” You asked you heard a panicking Mona on the other line.

“Girl, you better be prepared me and Amy will transfer in your school as soon as the semester ends.” Your eyes widened, “Why would you two do that? Aren't you a scholar in there, Also Amy? Didn't she signed on a publishing company what did she do—” You said but Mona stopped you from nagging.

“I don't know, but this Old Hag also told me that it might be good to go there too since there are more opportunities there than here also she said its affordable and lower, Tsk.” you laughed, “Well— she is right this is a country filled of opportunities you know.”

“Of course I know that I came there but that old hag stole me and let me came here now she's suddenly abandoning me and telling me to live on my own overseas?” You just sighed at Mona's consistent nagging, She and her guardian bicker all the time that you are not surprised anymore. You saw a woman on the side of the street she was selling some old stuff you told you driver to stop for a moment.

“Uh.. hello.. May I ask what are you selling?” You asked, the woman looked up to you as she smiled, “Ho, just some old junk dear no need to pay me no mind.” You shook your head, “Please, let me atleast but something from your goods!” You tried to find something randomly nd unexpectedly grabbed a necklace which you showed to her, “Please let me have this and uhm—”

You gave her money, much money that she can survive for the in the next months. “Oh dear, I can't accept this.” The old woman said you shook your head, “Please accept it, I have no in dire need of money.”

After saying that you walked away as the woman looked at you.

She smiled, as she sighed. “Even after going through much, You are still kind as ever, Child.” The woman said before leaving the sight. Back on the car howevwr you stared at the random jewelry you caught, It was a necklace a simple necklace, Which you actually find pretty. “Well it's not that bad..” You smiled. Just when you arrived you saw your sister with her friend, Raiden Ei ans Makoto and an unwilling Kunikuzushi on their side.

“Oh speaking of which she's here, Hello darling.” Miko said greeting you, you walked towards them as you greeted the twin sisters. “Hello, Sister Ei and Makoto.” Makoto giggled, “Oh look at you all grown up now the last time I saw you. You were still crying about how our Kuni bullying you by stealing your dolls.” You were red, embarrassed. “P-Please stop.”

Scaramouche however only rolled his eyes. “How about you two go for a walk Y/N? The dinner is still yet to happen. Perhaps Scaramouche is bored. Take him to the garden if you may.” Miko said and you nodded sending a signal to the man who only followed you in silence.

“Ugh, I didn't know we're going to your house.” He groaned as soon as he was out of sight from the adults. You only glared at him. “Stop complaining you stupid, What do you think is happening tonight?” You asked, somehow you were feeling a little ominous. “Don't know, Don't care.”

You certainly hope your parents didn't pull any funny tricks on you right now, you tried so hard to please them they better not pull any funny stunts on you.

“Hey am I seeing things earlier or are you and Kazuha went out on a date?” He asked raising his brow, you sighed. “No it means your brain is dead and can't function fully, Me and Kazuha weren't in a date or some sorts; He was just trying to be a gentleman and ask if I wanted to eat ice cream.” You explained which made him roll his eyes.

“Sure, Sure you getting defensive sure says it all about it.” You fumed in anger, You? Being defensive?

“Believe what you want.” You said walking away.

Surprisingly the nervousness you felt faded, It seemed like Raiden Family came here for a simple friendly family dinner of course to celebrate your parent's coming home. As soon as it was done you came in your room to rest when you receive a notification.

It was a message, Kazuha sent the groupchat his new motorbike. You giggled as you saw him. He looked like a puppy given treats, his reaction upon getting his motorbike was really cute.

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