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“Kazuha, the wind knows our story.” She said as she smiled at the man.

I will be your loyal sword.”

“You're studying again?”

“I will marry you!”

“Please don't push me away!”

“I'll do anything.”

“Choose me.”

Kazuha woke up panting as he took a good look around the room. Heizou was already cooking something for him. “Kazuha, are you up?” Kazuha shook his head. “Yeah, dude something the matter?” Kazuha said. “We're gonna go to a resort did you forget?”

Oh yeah, a beach outing. How could he forgot. “Got it..” Kazuha said.

When they got in the meet up area, Kazuha saw you in a mini dress and all honesty he couldn't help but praise you for being cute in his mind, “Kazuha?” You said as youwalked over to him, He blushed as he saw you. But that blush was replaced with a frown. “Hi kazuha!” Minatsu greeted him.

Which made you stop, All your friends became silent as you were clueless. “Hello.” You said as you greet the woman infront of you, “Hello, Y/N right?” She said smiling, you nodded and extended your hand for her. My name is Hikari Minatsu.”

She accepted your hand as you also introduced yourself, “Yae Y/N.” Venti cleared his throat as he laugh, “Vice President Minatsu came, anyway the more the merrier right?!” He said and you nodded, you noticed the tensed atmosphere but you didn't mind it that much.

During the whole ride you were beside kazuha as you two talked to each other of the weird things that might be existing in the planet. At the back Minatsu and Heizou only glanced at the two of you, before Heizou spoke. “I don't know why you came with us, but whatever your plannning you better stop it.” Heizou said as he left her since you all had already arrived at the resort. Minatsu didn't reply.

“Oh.. this resort belongs to your dad?” You asked Xiao. He only nodded, “Yes.” Hu Tao proudly answered before Xiao pushed her out, “Yeah, sigh I apologize for Hu Tao's behavior Y/N.” you gave them a chuckle, “No it's fine.”

You were staying there for three days since it was a holiday on monday. “It's time to pick roomies!” Yoimiya said excitedly. Yoimiya gave you a stick with a cover on the tip of it, are you ready? You nodded. As you revealed the tip of your stick it has the pink color. You and Yoimiya shared a room. “Yay! I'm roomies with Y/N!!” Yoimiya hugged you.

The pairs were, Xiao and Kazuha. Venti and Aether, Heizou alone. Ayaka and Minatsu, Yoimiya and You, Hutao and Yanfei, Kuki and Keqing. It seems alright. “Go unpack first while waiting for the food.” Ganyu said, After you got into the room you immediately landed on the bed. “Aw it's so comfy!” You said. “Right?!” Yoimiya replied.

“Y/N let's unpack!”

You saw kazuha and minatsu together but it seems like they were arguing, Kazuha looked annoyed, A sudden feeling of jealousy developed within you. “Y/N are you okay?” Yoimiya asked but you didn't reply instead you came down to where they were. You called him enough to get his attention. “Kazuha!” You said. You saw Minatsu looked away. “Kazuha let's go over there!” You pointed in the beach which made Kazuha nodded leaving Minatsu alone, she then was approached by Hu Tao and Yanfei.

“Mina, you need to stop. Kazuha has a girlfriend now.” Yanfei said. Mina looked up to them, “Both of them is our friend, you can't ruin their relationship, you need to let go of Kazuha because he doesn't love you back.” Hu Tao said shrugging a car then came with a pink haired kady and a brown haired man. “Father! Your here!” Ganyu exclaimed.

“Eh? Your father's here?” Yanfei asked Hu Tao, they shifted their attention towards the people qho just arrived, Hu Tao and Yanfei ran towards them as Hu Tao excitedly ran towards her youngest sibling. “Qiqi!”

“Father, you're here.” Xiao said their friends then saw their guardian which made Xiao more embarrassed. “Eh? Why are you here?!” Xiao exclaimed seeing a familiar pink haired lady, with purple eyes. “My hello xiao, you certainly grown up the last time I saw you. You too, Heizou and Aether now where's Kazuha I wonder...” Yae teased the boys chuckling.

You saw your sister on the gate with your friends which made your eyes widened, You ran to her which made her surprised. “Hello dear.” She said, “Miko? What are doing here?” You asked, you clearly said you will be going to a resort for three days but you never said where. “Well I came here to give you food, you see this resort is owned by Mr. Zhongli here Xiao, Ganyu and Hu Tao's guardian i just came here to stop by really.”

The tall man replied a chuckle, his voice was deep and he had amber eyes like Xiao's, “Hello all of you, I am Zhongli I am Xiao, Ganyu and Hu Tao's guardian nice to meet you all.” You smiled at him, Yae on the other hand saw Kazuha. “My kaedehara kazuha here you are I was wondering where you went.” You gave her a confused look, “You know them?”

Yae Miko gave a smirk, “I know them I even made the—”

“STOP!” Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou Aether exclaimed. “Well we're here to deliver you food, Enjoy your stay here Y/N you all be careful okay?” You nodded at her.

When Yae and Zhongli together with a girl named Qiqi left, Yoimiya and the others laughed seeing Xiao's and the other three flustered's reaction. “What's happening?” You asked them, Ayaka giggled. “They just remembered... Something unpleasant.” You tilted your head confused but Kazuha only grabbed your arm as you left your friends, You took a stroll on the beach holding each other's hands. “Kazuha.. I.. what is your relationship with Minatsu? You two seems a bit distant to each other and you..” Kazuha looks at you with a smile.

“Is my girlfriend jealous?” You heard him said in a teasing way which made you blush, “Kazuha!” You exclaimed. He replied with a laugh as he answered your question. “You need not to worry about our relationship Y/N, We don't have any relationship at all. She's just a family member to me in some sorts.” You  nodded finally an answer to your lingering questions your mind.


“Oh Mikooo~!” Miko heard a voice exclaimed which made her stop in horror. “W-What do you want?!” She exclaimed as she turned around to see Vita and a woman she swore she doesn't want to see. “How mean, Yae Miko!”

“What do you want Alice?!” Miko exclaimed as she threw a document on the pale blonde woman's direction which of course she dodged. “I'm here for some tea!” She exclaimed which made Miko annoyed more. Vita, chuckled nervously.

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