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Jennie: "Mmm.."

Jennie tasted the doughnut that they called, Vegemite that the Chef made for breakfast. She is too early that only Mark who is sitting across her is the only person at the breakfast open dining.

Jennie: "wait- what exactly is vegemite?"

She asked Mark while continue chewing and biting the food she is questioning to like a kid enjoying an ice cream. Mark sip his coffee still his eyes half closed.

Mark: "it is a leftover brewer's yeast"

Jennie: "Oh- seriously?"

Mark: "yeah. But it is good though."

Jennie: "yeah- interesting— hey look!"

Jennie suddenly pointed put and Mark quickly look at the way Jennie's pointing to.

Mark: "what?"

When Mark looked away, Jennie quickly grab a tissue and spit out the doughnut with a disgusted look on her face.

Mark: "I can't see what you are trying to imply Jen—"

Jennie quickly changed the topic before Mark even caught her.

Jennie: "so, Mark tell me. Why the life of the shearer?"

It is a get away tactic to changed the topic but Jennie find it interesting too, to know each and every person she is with.

Mark: "Oh- I like the freedom. You know, you're always moving around, you work with the same mates, mind your own while laughing with them."

Jennie: "mhmm"

Mark: "Look, I can shear hard for a couple months and have some time off, family, go fishing, just keep it easy you know-"

Jennie can't stop nodding her head in agreement with Marks answer. His face lifts up while talking about the job he has like he found a treasure on it and it makes Jennie's heart flutters hearing those words from a young man, not having a high salary but indeed, happy.

Jennie: "hmm. work-life balance. Huh! I always thought that was an urban legend cause it doesn't exist in the city."

They both chuckled.

Mark: "maybe you'll learn it here."

And Jennie could agree more after learning many things for the first time.

Jennie: "yeah. maybe. I mean- I am trying"

Jennie works with all her full effort learning things she never imagined she could and would do. She just went in an Airbnb cottage to meet Diana Bruischweller but end up doing some work that she never plan on doing. It was so hard at first but as time goes by, she learned to be be happy doing stuffs that was out of her box.

Jennie: "Baa-arbara sends her love and I won't even asking what book you're discussing tonight."

Jennie feed her favorite sheep she named Baarbara while talking on her mom through video call with her couple friend Mr. & Mrs. Lee at her back.

Carol: "You know these two, only went here just to know the story of this Boss cocky!"

Ms.Lee: "oh dear! tell us everything and don't dare to spare any details!"

Ms. Lee shouted at the background. Jennie didn't seem to care because a truck is coming and she knew, it is Lisa who is driving Lafer that no one wants to drive for making a problem on the way.

Mr.Lee: "Did you get it girl?"

Jennie's eyes widen and got panic seeing Lisa parked in front of her and already getting out of the car that might hear that they've been talking about her.

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