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I really have a hard time breathing as time goes by. I feel my heart wants to explode and my mind already messed up. Different questions started to fill my thoughts but I remain calm.

'does she wanted to see me? '
'is this a right decision?'
'do I need to go on?'

'f*ck! get it together Lisa!'

Good thing, my secretary Palisa is ahead of me so she will not noticed how nervous I am. I suddenly stopped on my tracks as soon as the door of the conference room is a meter away from me. My phone suddenly vibrates continuously indicating someone is calling me . When she noticed me stopped before she continue to open the door, her head looked at my direction as I raised my phone.

"quick call" I mouthed. She smirked and open the door until her body disappear.

Lisa: " Diana?" I greeted the caller.

Diana: "Spill!"

Lisa: "spill what Diana? I have a meeting!"

Diana: "oh! I thought you will meet Jennie? what happened? she declined? she knew?! Are you okay?"

Concern is evident in her tone as I chuckle.

Lisa: "yes I haven't met her but I was going to if you only didn't interrupt me. I am seconds away from her and I supposed to answer all of your questions if you just call a little bit later."

I heard Diana laughed at the other line and I know she is kind of embarrassed herself.

Diana: "Oh my ghad! I am so sorry got a little excited. well, hope for the best outcome Lisa just call me whatever happens okay?"

I sigh and with the sincerity in my sister's voice, my tears are already starting to swell up. 'gosh i really need that'

Lisa: "I will Diana. Thank you and talk to you soon. I love you"

'you can do this Lisa!'

I deeply sigh as I walk towards the door. I slowly open it not making any noise I entered the now dark room with only the projector's light is giving the room a little light .

 I slowly open it  not making any noise  I entered the now dark room with only the projector's light is giving the room a little light

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I saw a guy first with his eyes widen maybe knowing who am I. I saw him poke the lady beside him as she irritably look at the guy then at me,

"gorgeous" the guy whispered without breaking his gaze at me. I internally blushed while quietly closing the door.

Jennie's mom features are the same as Jennie's but older. I believe she's her mom. I suddenly missed my mom when I looked at her. She smiled at me then bow her head while remain sitting and I did the same. But she remained bowing for a second then abruptly looked up with the same expression with the guy as she gasps maybe realizing and knowing me too.

'ghad! these people are like in comedy sitcom'

I slowly walk to the standing Palisa at the back while my gaze remained focused to the certain brunette that I've been dying to see. Even her back faces me, it still shouts perfection. If only I can just run and hug her from behind, I will just do it here and now. She is too focused on preparing the projector and her laptop not noticing my presence.

Palisa poked me on the arm to get my attention when she raised both her eyebrows, waiting for my signal as I slowly nod and went back my gaze to the woman I love.

Two months. It is only 60 days but it felt like eternity. It feels like forever and I am really missing her every second of the day. Things went wild and in a span of 60 days, too many things happened between us apart. Things that I don't want to even think about it.

'This is it'

Palisa: "Boss L is here, you may start your presentation Miss Kim."

My secretary said. I saw Jennie deeply sigh and make a smile even darkness engulfs the surroundings. I am thanking the projector for giving light to Jennie's pretty face that can be seen throughout the room.

She tap something on her laptop and looked back. Her beautiful smile that not reached her eyes is slowly fading.

'oh shit! she's not happy seeing me'

My heart is beating madly looking at her. She was surprised but I can't tell if it is positive or negative as I remained standing. I can see her reaction but I can't tell her eyes emotion.

She blinked her eyes and opened her mouth to say something but closed it again as she closed her eyes tightly.

I felt a hand grip mine and I didn't noticed that her mom is already standing beside me with her body facing me. She gave me a quick nod and slowly dragged me in front of now teary eyed brunette. The most gorgeous cat-eyes I laid my eyes on.

Miss Kim: "We will be outside"

Miss Kim finally said in almost a whisper as I slowly nod at her and gave me a quick embrace.

Miss Kim: "good luck Lisa"

She whispered that somehow made me feel like a motherly concern.

I remained looking down and looked back when I heard the door being shut. I slowly looked at the girl who remained frozen and tears started to flow on her cheeks..

Lisa: " I..." I choked.

Unaware that my fingers are already fidgeting when I looked down again. But Jennie's eyes never looked away from looking at me and it somehow makes me feel nervous as hell. I can't even decipher whether she's okay with seeing me or setting her up like this or she's mad.

I deeply sigh and swallow all the courage just to make this end and finally know if she will forgive me or not.

Lisa: "Damn! I practiced my speech but hell! you are looking at me like that and I feel like any minute you will gonna slap me but it's okay! I deserve more than that!"

I heard her chuckle as she wipes her tears. Maybe it's a good sign tho? Somehow it lightened up my feelings.

'nice one Lisa!'

Lisa: "Okay, you laugh. It is a good thing right?"

I asked but she remained quiet.

Lisa: "Damn it! I own this company but here you are, you are too intimidating!"

I saw Jennie suppressing a smile but she is stopping herself.

Lisa: "Alright Jennie, I am sorry. I don't deserve your forgiveness but please I really missed you and it makes me crazy everyday just by the thought of losing you and you will meet someone else because I love you so much and I don't --"

My eyes went wide.

Jennie's lips met mine.

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