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Heve you ever feel like everything's fall back into its places and you have no worries at all? that whatever life throws at you, you can face it with arms open wide? that when struggle comes you know you will have the victory to solve it?

Yes. It feels like I am floating above the clouds and it felt surreal that once a mysterious, lonely and lost human being will fall in love and be with someone as perfect as an angel?

Seeing Jennie sitting on my shotgun with her shades on looking out the car tinted window while singing almost above the whisper, jamming with Billie Eilish's song makes me feel how lucky or blessed or whatever you call it, that I am right now. Jennie is no ordinary girl. She came into my life at the exact time and since that day, I always see myself smiling like an idiot and make me plan my future not with anyone but her.... only her.

Jennie: "Penny for your thoughts?"

I smiled instantly the moment I heard her sweet voice. interrupting my thoughts.

Lisa: "Nah. Just thinking that I've been nothing but a loser but yet, I've got the best reward life can offer."

Jennie changed her sitting position to fully face me with a curious look and arms crossed above her chest. Oh! and I am sure her eyebrows raised with so much pride. I know, she knows what I am talking about.

Jennie: "and that is?"

I pretend thinking while driving when I hit the break for a red light and be able to looked at her.

Lisa: "Of course. The company, my sister, my friends, people in the farm. my secretary, the --ouch!"

She hit my arm with her little hand causing me to burst out into laughing.

Lisa: "wh-what?" I asked acting innocent..

Jennie threw her sunglasses at me and tried to unlock her car side door.

Jennie: "pull on the side I will take a cab." she said while pouting as I hit the gas when the green light is on while I can't stop laughing.

Lisa: "Come on Nini, you know what I am talking about!"

Jennie spare a glanced at me and roll her eyes.

Jennie: "you mentioned everyone even your secretary! then go! you make your own family with her! I don't care!" She said irritably and I can't help but laugh even more..

Jennie: "laugh all you want Lisa, i swear I will not let her attend our wedding or even when -"

I abruptly stopped in the middle of the long road surrounded by tall trees going back to our mansion where Jennie and I first met letting other cars honking passed us.

Lisa: "What did you say?"

Jennie scoffs but curiosity evident on her face.

Jennie:"you mentioned your secre-"
Lisa: "the other one"
Jennie:"what are you trying to pull Lisa? I swear-"
Lisa: "please baby"
Jennie: "laugh all you want-"
Lisa:"not that one the other one"
Jennie: "Lisa that's all I have said there's no--... Oh my ghad"

Jennie covered her mouth as she realized what she said and awkwardly smile as she make a cute facial expression to refrain her from embarrassment.

Lisa: "Jennie Kim please.." I seriously pleaded and she composed herself to fully face me again.

Jennie: "I will not invite her to our wedding?" She awkwardly smile the looked down while pouting.

Lisa: "Are you sure to marry me Jennie?" I asked in a contemplating tone that hopefully not sounded unconvinced when she quickly nod her head quickly. I froze on the spot and when she noticed I didn't utter a single word, she looked down again fidgeting her fingers.

I slowly lift her chin up using my index finger and her eyes widen and tears started to form.Holding a small black velvet box opened with a white gold diamond ring in the middle, I confessed.

Lisa: "I know this is not the most romantic way of proposing and to tell you honestly, I planned it all over in my head on how to make the best proposal but hell, I bought this ring the moment I saw you again that night on the restaurant alone. I wanted to talk to you and ask for forgiveness but then a guy came to fetch you. It was the same guy accompanied you and your mom to have a meeting with me.


Lisa: "yes and it hurts me thinking that I lost you and found myself drunk again but then eventually I found out that he is actually your best friend."

Jennie: "Idiot!" She face palm while tearing and chuckling.

Lisa: "I know. But... Jennie Ruby Jane Kim, will you make this idiot be the happiest idiot in the world by marrying her?"

And then she lost it. She cried hard while nodding her head and offering her ring finger to me.

Happy tears indeed.

We continue traveling to the mansion while she is not breaking her gaze to her diamond ring. I actually planned the proposal today but not inside a car especially in the middle of honking cars but inside the house where we both saw each other for the first time. But I can't let the moment passed. Some must say that I am rushing things but no, in as short period of time, I know that I am with the right lady and I am just hoping she thinks the same. I have never been so sure in my life until Jennie came.

Lisa: "we're here" i parked the car when she looks around.

I unbuckle my belt and did the same to her when I saw her gaze looking lost.

Lisa: "are you okay?" I asked making sure she still has no idea.

Jennie: "ajmm Lisa.. I know I've been focusing on my ring but I did noticed that I haven't seen anyone. Where is everyone?"

I went out of the car and proceeded to open hers.

Lisa: "maybe their in the pub. you know them, they like hanging out"

Jennie: "yeah. I know them that's why I asked because Lisa, it is only 4 in the afternoon and it is Monday!Monday is the busiest day in here... or it changed"

She said the last words in almost a whisper in a sad tone while looking down and playing her ring.. I walk towards her to close the gap and held her both hands with mine.

Lisa: "Hey! cheer up! I promise I will bring you to them, let's just take a quick look inside okay?" I said and plastered a grin at her which made her pinched my cheeks.

Jennie: 'stop doing that or your cheeks will get bruised."

She chuckled and genuinely smiled at me as I grab her hand and move forward and let her enter the house first and I decided to open the lights at the right time.

Jennie: "Lisa,.. why is it so dark in here and where's the --"


I saw Jennie flinched and hold her chest. She got scared and shocked at first but she chuckled the moment she realized that it was a surprised party for her. I hold her both shoulders while caressing it as she lean her head resting her back at me while laughing.

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