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I looked up the moment I step my feet out of Mino's car. The company is not as huge as Bruischweller's but the name itself almost making headlines in a span of two months. Yes that huge. No one knew the real profile of the CEO but looking entirely it's interior, giving me an assurance that the boss is quite big time.

All the big gold chandeliers hanging through the lobby of the hallway, as well as the golden elevators, stairs and everything I see speaks expensive. How I wish I could start this big too! I felt giddy thinking how lucky I was to have a very good opportunity like this.

Mino: "Wow! jackpot!"

Mino's amusement is all what it takes in me that I made the right thing in my life after being dumb.

"Good morning. I have an appointment by 9 in the morning? But I think they forgot to leave a name to search with?"

I chuckled and it's true. the email I got from their company had no name under who I might look for.

"May I know who am I speaking with ma'am?" The tall blonde girl asked with a genuine smile. Even receptionists speaks elegance itself as I reciprocate the same action.

"Jennie Kim."

Her eyes widen as soon as I said my name and I wonder why. The lady beside her whisper something as their smile grew wider and their eyes sparkle making the other lady make a call. Weird.

being as curious as I was last night about the boss, I leaned forward trying to get the attention of one of the receptionist who never lost her smile.

Jennie: "excuse me, may I know the name of your boss? or the owner?"

She made an "O' in her mouth and lean forward.

"I am sorry ma'am but it is a very strict rule of giving any information about the boss profile. The boss will be only known by chosen staffs here."

I just slowly nod but got even more curious.

Will I ever meet her? him? Just to be personally thank him? her?

"excuse me Ms. Jennie Kim, let our security assist you to the conference room" As she handed me my files, her grip on my hand tighten that made me looked up to her and saw her wink.

what the hell?

I gave an awkward smile and followed the security.

You're pretty but sorry my heart belongs to only one woman.

Mrs. Kim: "this is it. It is starting Jennie." Mom holds my hand while inside the elevator as my eyes met her teary orbs. I lean my head on hers and caress her arms when the elevator dings and stopped us up to the last floor. 16th floor. We traveled the wide hallway as everyone greeted us good mornings. I hope they trained Wine Drop employees too! Well, like they said, a happy employees comes with a great boss. Okay! I really need to meet this Boss.

A minute later, the security opens the door for us in a wide room with an oval glass table in the middle surrounded by black swivel chairs that even five people sit, will never break.

"You can wait here Ma'am."

Mom thank the security as he exited the room with door closed. Seconds just passed but a clicking sound can be heard nearing the room and my head looked back and my eyes focused on the door that I know will soon be opened.

Maybe the boss is a she?

The door slowly opened a smiley lady with dimples on both of her cheeks went inside as soon as our eyes met.

wait- she looks familiar.

"Hi! Good morning please call me Ms. Palisa ..."

Palisa.. Palisa.. Palisa... oh shit!

My very good morning suddenly ruined as I forced a smile at her leaving as again just to call her boss. I should be thanking gods right now for making me lucky but this Palisa who made me cried last night because of her closeness with my Lisa ruined it. What a small world of colliding our ways! Palisa is cute. She looks so innocent, like a typical home-lady who never drank any alcohol in her entire life that no wonder Lisa might her..

Mino: "Jennie? you okay? Are you nervous?"

I blinked multiple time bringin myself back when MIno who seated in front of me asked me.

Jennie: "what? I asked innocently?"

Mino: "The girl! maybe she's the secretary! She is really pretty!.. my type actually" I chuckled and slap Mino's hand that make him winced.

Jennie: "we are here for a client not for your fantasies MIno!"

Mom just laughed at as when a pair of heels clicking the hallway can be heard inside. We heard some whispering but not audible when the door left ajar. Palisa cleared her throat and walked in front and put down the laptop and folders on the table.

"Boss L got an urgent call but will be here in a minute, you can get ready for the presentation Miss Kim" She asked. Palisa seems so nice I felt guilty for having a bad impression on her but what caused me to almost lose my balance is an engagement ring on her finger.

too late for me.

get it together Jennie! A hand on top of mine makes me looked on the side and my mom mouthed me "are you okay" question as I nod on her and fake a smile.

I was busy preparing my presentation not sparing a thought about Lisa and Palisa. I will just deal with that later. I didn't know that the boss already entered the room until Palisa spoke.

Palisa: "Boss L is here Miss Kim, you may start now"

I click on play and let out a happy facade on my face before looking at the back as my heart begins to tremble. There standing as gorgeous as ever and even more sexier. The person I am dying to see. Seeing the most beautiful eyes I've been longing for too long.

Satan's twin.

My Lisa.

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