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That's all I can say to see these perfect view in front of us. I don't know where Lisa took me but it takes us almost half an hour walking inside a forest near them. We go through different streams and rivers, climb and hike stones and passed by a little dark cave with covered plants in front that she took two minutes to look around and when she was sure enough that no one is around, she push hard the big rock covered in plants and it took me by surprise that behind those creepy things in front, is a dream like paradise inside.

It is already dark when we arrived and only the moon as well as Lisa's phone flashlight helps us to see things around but it is obviously so priceless and worth every tiredness inside me.

Lisa: "When Diana found me, I was still in wrecked. It took me three fucking years just to build this. Those are the times since I started here but still trying to moved on from the incident. I am so lucky that Diana understood the situation. My mood swings were unstoppable and undeniable that time. She let me. She let me do my thing while I was trying to fix myself."

Jennie: "This is amazing. Diana might be so proud of you when she saw this."

Lisa chuckled and walk towards the little white gazebo that maybe she built too. It was dark and I have no idea why she went inside of it. My confusions hit me to follow her and startled when the light hits on.

The old and dark gazebo became a magical one with all the fairy lights around. The marble table matched with two marble chairs. There's something above the table that's been covered by a big metal bowl but before I open my mouth to ask, Lisa pull it out and to my surprise again, foods are exposed with a bottle of wine inside a small metal pail that looks like a melted iced inside with different complete utensils for two.

Jennie: "Lisa, I-"

Lisa smiled at me and hold my hand to guide me to my seat. She pull the chair for me and make sure I seated well before she take hers.

Lisa: "I never bring anyone here except you"

I am speechless in a good way. Very good way. It is all worth it. I never imagined Lisa being this romantic. Shake it off Jennie, don't expect too much.

Lisa cleared her throat that brought me back to my senses. She pursed her lips and heck! It was kind of hot for me. I tried to shake the thought off again when she open her mouth and closed it again.

Lisa: " the food is not that warm anymore, I hope you don't mind" She shyly smiled at me and it is the cutest thing I've seen this day.

Jennie: "What are you talking about? It is so-"

I deeply sigh then smile genuinely at her.

Jennie: "I never experienced anything in my life like this before. Even my ex-husband was never near on what you have showed me tonight Lisa. I am very grateful and I won't forget this, ever."

She grin and her eyes sparkles with it. Maybe the moon shines over her eyes that make her even more gorgeous. The silence filled us both and only the clicking of utensils can be heard when I choose to break the ice after minutes of eating without anyone dared to talk.

Jennie: "wait- Is it your birthday? Oh my ghad! I didn't buy any gift for you, I am so sorry-"

Lisa: "It's not. Don't worry Jen."

'Jen'. Why does my name sounds hot when she pronounce it?

Jennie: "then, what's the special occasion for all of these?" I fake a chuckle but my heart to start beating frantically when she didn't answer.

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