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Lisa: "Ducks on the pod!"

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Lisa: "Ducks on the pod!"

Lisa shouted making herself known that she arrived at the place where sheep are being shaved. She is with Jennie who is confusedly ask with her sudden screamed.

Jennie: "Oh?"

Lisa chuckled but regain her seriousness.

Lisa: "It's an old-school saying that means a lady like you is coming into the shed."

Jennie: "Ah!"

They both removed their hats and put it on the table.

Rose': "hey! that's not a lady! That's our Jennie!"

Jennie chuckled from Rose' and felt emotional from what she heard.

Lisa: "She will show you what to do, are you good?"

Jennie looked at Lisa with her concern question. Never in their interactions she show a concern side during her trainings until now.

Jennie: "Y-yeah. Of course. Don't worry"

Lisa: "Go! have fun!"

Lisa pushed her a little then winked at Sehun. She already told things to Sehun to takes care of Jennie when Lisa is not around.

As the sheep keeps on bleating, Jennie is in awe seeing the work she once wants to learn and now she is right there making her one of bucket list came true.

Rose: "Jennie, grab us another fleece"

Rose' shouted with a smile. She can see how Jennie enjoys her work and how she changed since they met at first. Jennie is far different from the City girl who always show disgust on her face unalarmed that everyone was looking at the new girl. But since it is her second week, she can conclude that her hopes with Jennie to learn things she wasn't wanted but force to do, she knew that Jennie's desperation and her determination to learn will eventually prosper. And she's right. Her new found City girl friend is now taking every work, "piece of cake"!


How amusing the scene I am witnessing that I thought it is only in TV and movies. Shaving sheep is like a dream and it's so satisfying to see. Is it just me or sheep work really helps my stress about everything go away?

Rose: "Hey Jennie! right now! go!"

I got flinched from Rose's sudden scream and wakes me up from my trance. My feet drag me to the corner side to find the fleece and get them for Rose'. It is so hard to see all the works but I really enjoy it. Sehun turned the volume up for a hip-hop music that makes me hype and the others more.

Sehun: "Alright! let's get it on!"

Rose': "here we go. Now let the fleece fly. Let it go from the bottom, flick it out!"

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