Part 1

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Camron pov

I get out of the taxi, taking in my surroundings of New York City

finally, finally I'm here. Finally I can move on. A fresh start.
A man helps me take my bags up to the dorm that I will be staying for the next few years hopefully.

"You're all set" the man says to me
"Thank you" I say as I give him a $20 bill out of gratitude.
"You didn't have to do that you know" he says "I know but I wanted to" I say. A few moments later he leaves the room with a "thank you again" from me.

I sit on the floor so I can begin to unpack my things. The door opens out of no where I was caught off guard but then remembered that I was sharing this dorm with another person.

A beautiful girl with straight long blond hair walks in with a very tall handsome dark skin
man behind her.

"Babe start helping me take this shit out the boxes" she then notices me. Oh no. "Umm what the fuck are you doing on the floor" she says laughing
she reaches her arm out and helps me up "you must be the other person living here" I nod my head yes

"Well my name is Alyssa And this tall ass nigga is well... my nigga" she said rolling her eyes while her boyfriend stood there clueless " what's yo name?''

"Um my name is Camron" I said trying not to sound awkward
"Omggggg my middle name is Camron!!"
"Wow that's cool" I've never met anyone who shared the same name as me

"Yeah I guess" she said
"Wait one fucking minute" I look at her confused "do a 360 for me real quick" I look at her even more confused "boy you know what I mean turn the fuck around"

I do as she says then turns back around to face her and her mouth is a gap "what?" I ask "did I do something wrong"
"Yes bro. you did"  "what?" I ask "nigga yo ass bout fat as fuck fatter than mine you lucky my nigga don't swing that way cause I'm not tryna fight you" she says smirking
I don't know how to respond to that so a simple thank you should do it

"Nigga why the fuck you just standing there I told you to help me with these boxes"
"Yo what the fuck I told you about speaking to me that way" her boyfriend spoke up in a deep raspy voice
"Ok I'm sorry papi" she says while bitting her lip and he rolles his eyes

Awkward all I could feel  was awkwardness throughout my entire body

*a few minutes later*

"Ok imma head out and get some food ok baby?" She said while giving her boyfriend a kiss

She leave me and her boyfriend who I still don't know the name of to continue to unpack these boxes

I watch his movements, his muscles flex as he lifts the heavy boxes. Wow. All I could think was wow. I was jealous why couldn't I be built like that I had to be built so feminine anytime someone met me they automatically assume I'm gay. Which yes I'm bisexual but I also like females. Even tho I've never been with one

While I'm deep in my thoughts I hear glass break from the other room so I go check what happened and I find Alyssa's boyfriend standing there with a long cut on his arm.

"Oh my gosh what happened?"
He looked at me surprised and a bit annoyed he looked back at the cut and says "glass cut me"
No duh.

I make him sit on a chair while I go get the first aid kit out of one of my boxes. Once I find it and run back to help and I find him sitting on his phone nonchalantly like he isn't bleeding out of the side of his arm.

Once he sees me he puts his phone down. I get a piece of cotton and wipe the blood "this is probably gonna hurt a little" I say as I start to dap the alcohol on the wound. He doesn't flinch not one bit. Crazy.

"Wow that didn't hurt at all?" I ask while chuckling a little
"No" he says staring at me in the eyes shamelessly
I stare back out of habit of course

I break the eye contact by saying "well I'm done" while smiling at him
He examines his arms and says "thank you"
"I never got your name" I say
He looks at me and says "takashi, that's my name"
"But you can call me kash"

I hoped you guys liked that. first chapter complete.

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