Part 3

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Takashi pov

I came back from my drop off with dad at about midnight and went to Alyssa's apartment to check on her.

I know she's cheating on me, I just do I don't know how. but I do.

I see her laid across the couch with no pants on her hair looking a mess.
I kiss her forehead and as I'm about to leave I see a light in the kitchen turn on I go and see who it is even tho I obviously know it's that Camron dude.
"Hey" I say

He looks startled after he notices that someone is there but I take my hoodie off revealing me entire face and he calms a little.
"Oh hey how did you get in here?"
"They gave lyssa two keys when she got the dorm so she gave the extra one to me"
"Oh I didn't get two keys, not like I would have anyone to give it to" he says

"You don't got no friends or nothing?" I ask curiously
"Not really I never really had friends, anytime I socialize I plan out everything I say so I don't sound dumb or awkward. And I don't know why I'm telling you this. ok I'm leaving now" he says as he turns around to leave.

I grab him by his arm "no,don't go I don't think u weird or nothing just a lil strange" I say giving him a smirk
He blushes at me but tries to hide it
Cute. Very cute.

Then we hear footsteps coming to our direction so we end the intense eye contact and act like we don't know each other.
"Baeeeeeee" I hear Alyssa's tired voice yell "why didn't you wake me up so we can spend the night together"
"Cus what you? would rather stand in the kitchen awkward as fuck with camin or whatever dude name is"
"The nigga literally got yo middle name how the fuck can't you remember that"
"Whatever take me to bed" she says as she puts her arm up indicating she wants me to pick her up
I pick her up while she says "goodnight camry" 
I'm pretty sure she's drunk
"Good night lyssa" Camron says chuckling

I lay her in bed then kiss her good night then she grabs the rim of my pants and says "where the fuck you think you going?"
"Im going to my dorm bae"
"You don't wanna stay with me? you know I could give you that good treatment you love"
To be honest Alyssa bad as fuck and all but she just don't turn me on like she used to, the relationship stale as fuck. Im craving something else I just don't know what. But hey who doesn't like getting their dick wet? so I agree on her offer.

Camron pov

I can hear them clear as day since you know... I'm in the next room and these walls are very thin. They were being very loud like ughhh have some decorm. It started with just low grunts and moans but now it sounds like Alyssa is having the time of her life while I can barely hear kash. And I couldn't stop thinking about Alyssa kissing that man I don't know if I should tell kash or not. But I feel kind of jealous. I don't know it's weird cause I want Alyssa to be my friend so I can't have a crush on her boyfriend that's so weird . And I can't get in the mix of relationship drama I have to focus on my studies and not having a panic attack every 5 minutes.

*the next morning*

I woke up to the smell of bacon I feel extremely nauseous and open one of my windows so I can breathe. I go to the bathroom and fix my hygiene.
Once I'm done I go out to the kitchen and see alyssa cooking and kash sitting on the counter on his phone.

"Good morning" I say to them both "good morning"Alyssa replies first trying to stay focused on the eggs she was making
"Good morning"  kash says picking his head up from his phone giving me a sly smile
"Yo we got school at 10 so hurry the fuck up and eat this shit I'll drive" Alyssa says
Oh yea school
"Here you go Camron" she says handing me a plate of breakfast consisting of eggs pancakes and bacon
"No thank you I feel a little sick" I say, I still haven't been able to eat.
"Aww sweetie what happened I can make you some tea" she says
"No it's ok I'll just drink some water"
Out of the corner of my eye I can see him.
Watching my every move as I open the fridge, get the water bottle, open the water bottle, drink the water. He watches it all and all I can do is try not to blush out of embarrassment which I'm really bad at hiding cause kash starts laughing
"What you laughing at bae" Alyssa asks him
"Oh nun just some on instagram" he says eying me
He's really pushing it

Takshi pov

I don't know why but it's just some bout him that makes me feel weird.
I'm not on no homo shit or nun but he all feminine shaped and shit and he got this smile...
What the fuck is wrong with me I got a whole girl and I'm over drooling over a faggot ass nigga.

We go out the buildings and get into lyssa car.
As we're driving Alyssa asks "so Camron what you want to major in?"
Camron responds with "um I was thinking of starting in criminal justice and going from there"
"Holy fuck I'm tryna major in criminal justice too!! Hopefully we have a class together" Alyssa says

"Kash what are you majoring in?" Camron asks catching me off guard with the nickname "kash? Who the fuck calls you that" Alyssa asks looking suspicious "um no one" I respond "hmm ok" is the last thing said for the rest of the car ride.

Next chapter will be them at school of course leave any comments on what direction you think I should take the book

2023 update: yall pls I'm reading this and dyinggggg
They're talking like they're in high school 💀
I wrote this when I was a sophomore
But now as a junior in college I know that's not how college works so please don't get to much second hand embarrassment 😭

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