Part 21

617 23 8

*3 weeks later*

Camron pov

For the past few weeks I've been feeling so sick throwing up nonstop and I've gotten fatter around my stomach area

I feel so Insecure because I've never just gained Weight out of nowhere

Every morning I wake up feeling sick running to the bathroom to throw up and I don't feel like eating anything cuz if I do I'll just throw it up

This hasn't happened since I killed my parents

Today khion is supposed to be coming over to help kash take down the Christmas decorations because I feel to sick

New Years was two weeks ago

me and kash really celebrated.. if you know what I mean *wink*

I hear knocking at the door so I get up to answer it but as soon as my feet leave the bed i feel like falling over so I rush back to the bed side

What is wrong with me?

Kash comes out of the bathroom seeing me on the bed trying to catch my breath and he looks so concerned

"Baby I know you said no but I really think I should take you to the doctor. What if you're sick foreal"

He says walking up to me caressing my cheek

"No it nothing it'll probably go away soon" I breath out

"Come on lemme carry you to the living room so you can tell me an Khion where to put the shit" I nod my head before he picks me up like a child and brings me to the living room placing me on the couch

Kash goes to the door and opens it and I can already hear khions voice
"Nigga y'all had me waiting out there forever goddamn fuck was y'all doing?" He says sounding agitated

"Nothing nigga is you gonna help or nah?" Kash says to him

"Yeah you know I got you" Khion says patting kash's back causing kash to slap his hand away

I just laugh at there foolishness
They act like 3 year olds

"Ain't shit funny Camron you needa check yo man and tell him to stop being rude to a nigga" Khion says to me causing me to laugh harder cuz who is gonna check kash? Not me

"I'm not checking nothing" I say to him

Which makes kash snicker

"What the fuck happened to sweet innocent Camster? You been in New York to long" Khion says sounding dumbfounded

"Nigga help me with these lights" Kash says to Khion

I was watching everything that they were doing so I can make sure they put everything in its correct place but I felt a pain in my stomach and my mouth begin to water
so I rushed to the bathroom falling over the toilet throwing everything up

Kash runs after me into the bathroom holding back my hair as I throw up

Khion stands at the door frame and says "yo this is just how that one bitch I got pregnant was throwing up a few years ago remember T?"

Kash looks over at him and says "oh yeah tiffany and stop calling that girl a bitch you the one that laid down and got her pregnant"

"Shut up I'll call her whatever I want to call her I pay the child support and she do be acting like a bitch" Khion responds

Kash looks back at him and said "why even bring ha ass up"

"Cuz what if Camron you know.... Preggo"

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