Part 5

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Disclaimer ‼️‼️This chapter will contain a rape scene‼️‼️

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Takashi pov

I wanna ask him questions
But I don't wanna invade or nothing

It was sad as fuck when he was crying
I felt so bad

He looks me in the eyes and says
"It's more than that"
"My parents they"

Then he begins to explain the full story

*Flash back omniscient*

"Camron where the fuck do you think your going?" Jessica, Camrons mother yells to him

"I'm done mom, I can't do this anymore it's to much" Camron says to his angry mother

His dad walks into the room with a bottle of whiskey and throws it at Camrons face and busts his lip right open
"Your not going to no fucking college you think your grown now huh"
"No dad I-"

His dad goes into a drawer and takes a gun out and points it at camrons head "I said your not going anywhere"

a tear falls out of Camrons eyes as he looks at his mother for help but she couldn't be phased less

His dad comes behind him and pushes the gun into his spin
"Since you wanna act grown I'll treat you grown"

He forces Camrons pants down and bends him over the kitchen table sticks his penis inside of him with all his force

Blood was dripping down Camron legs
And tears of pain were pouring out of his eyes
This isn't the first time this happened but he was gonna make sure it was The last.

His mother used him as a sex toy for his father each time his father threatened to leave her

Camron remembers the first time it happened he was in his room asleep and he was woken up feeling something going in and out of him he screamed in pain waking up his twin brother calic.
Calic ran into the room and he was traumatized
His own father doing this to his brother. He left the room as if he saw nothing and went back to his room.
After that night the family didn't see calic again

Camron comes out of his thoughts when he notices out of the corner of his eye that his father put the gun on the table
He cut his eyes to where his mother is then cuts his eyes back at the gun
Quickly he picks it up swiftly turns around and points the gun at his fathers temple

His dad puts his hands up And says "whoa it was never that serious"
"But it was dad... it really was" Camron says tears running down his face he says "I'm sorry" and pulls the trigger shooting his fathers straight in the head

Then he turns to his mother and says
"Mom" his voice cracking a bit while tears flowed down his cheeks
he looked to his mother for help. for reassurance

But She just looks at him stunned at the events that just took place in front of her

"How could you... how could you do that to your father" she says tears pouring out of her eyes
"How could I?" Camron yells at the top of his lungs "how could you. How could you stand here and call yourself my mother but allow that man to do those things to me"

"Camron don't even do that because if you didn't like it you would have left" she responds throwing her arms up and and getting closer to him

"I didn't like it mom!!! What don't you understand. I was trying to leave I got a scholarship in New York and accepted it just to leave here" he yelled

"You ungrateful bitch I did it all for you, you arrogant brother and that stupid ass mistake. All of the fighting and sacrificing was for y'all" she says

"What mistake? What are you talking about? You know what? No, no it's wasn't for us it was for you. You selfish cunt" and with that he pulls the trigger on his mother

he drops the gun on the floor shocked at what he just did and begins to break down beside his mothers lifeless body
"" he repeats
"What did I just do" he cries out

"Camron" she breathes out with a mouth full of blood

"Lysa new york" she mumbles out

He had no clue of what she said

"Mom. What? No. I don't understand"

But with those last words she took her final breath

He didn't regret killing his father not one bit, but his mother he thinks about everyday and how he could have given her a second chance.

He cleaned up the blood and dragged the bodies to the linen closet. He shut the closet door went to his room packed his things and left the house leaving it as if no one was there to begin with.

Ok y'all I'm sorry bout that 😥
I just had to put Camrons back story

This is what calic (Camron's brother) lookin like

This is what calic (Camron's brother) lookin like

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