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*4 years later*

Camron pov

"Come on Khalil hurry up" I yell through the house for my 4 year old
Trying to find his shoes

"Don't you want to go see your daddy ?" I asks

"Yehsss" he says with his toothy lisp

"Ok then hurry my love"

It's been four years since the incident happened with takashi

For two years straight I didn't hear from him

But one random Wednesday afternoon I get a call from a unknown number

I pick up and I get the shock of my life hearing Takashi's voice through the other side of my phone

He asked if he could see his child which he didn't even know the name or gender of

I gave birth alone.

I raised this child alone.

But I still managed to graduate with my masters in criminal justice

I'm really building a life for myself

And you wanna know what takashi has been up to?

He took over his fathers business

Yep the exact thing he was running from
The exact thing he was scared to become

His dad passed away two years ago from some kind of cancer
Which makes sense on to why takashi would call me. Right when his father passed. I don't understand why he was so scared

He said "well some one needed to take over for him"

"I found it pa!!!" Khalil yells running up to me with his shoes in his hands

"Good now come sit so I can put them on for you" I say kissing his head

I honestly believe I birthed the most beautiful child

He is so gorgeous he looks just like his daddy

Once I finish putting his shoes on we leave the house heading to the car

I put him in his car seat even though he fusses each time saying " i'm big boy I no need baby chair"

"Oh my sweat baby I just don't want you to die ok?"

"I no die I'm big boy. daddy said so"

"Of course he did" I smile rolling my eyes closing his door and getting in the drivers seat

20 minutes later I reach Takashi's "house" which was actually a mansion but I won't speak on that

"go ring the bell ok" I say taking him out of the car

"Ok bye pa" he says kissing my cheek and running off to the front door with his bag in his hand

"I love you kk"

"I love you more pa pa" he says blowing me a kiss

So precious

I get back in the car and start pulling away but not before I see the front door open and Khalil go in

I don't talk to takashi... it just doesn't feel right

I still can't believe I trust him enough to Leave him with my son
But I guess that's his son too so I gotta be fair

I begin driving to my next destination

I work at a smaller law firm but I still roll in cash

Once I reach my Job I get out and walk in heading to my desk

"Good morning love of my life" I hear a voice say once I'm settled in

I smile, blushing

"Good morning Tanner" I say standing up and planting a kiss on his lips

Tanner is one of my colleagues that I have been seeing for the past year now

I love him. I think

Ughh I don't know

Im supposed to be older, wise and more mature
but how was I so sure I loved takashi at 18 but at my big age of 22 I can't figure out if I even have the slightest love for my boyfriend

Takashi pov

"Hi my handsome seed" I say picking up Khalil and taking him into the house
"Hi daddy" he smiles

I already see Camrons car driving away

He never wants to talk to me
But if I was him I wouldn't wanna talk to me either

Plus he got a new man Khalil told me all about him which breaks my heart
I love Camron with everything in me

I been tried to move on

I fucked a whole bunch of bitches
But none of them compared

But whatever. I don't got time to be stuck on him I got a gang to run

It's dangerous even having my son in my arms cuz if anyone of my opps see this shit he gon be their next target

But I'm protecting my child's life with everything

I can't lose him he's the last thing I'm holding on to

My dad passed two years ago and ever since then I could never be the same

Cuz now I can finally smile

My dad could never get over khions death and the fact that it's was "Camrons fault" he forbid me from seeing him and I also felt guilty so I respected his request

And he definitely didn't want me to be apart of my child's life because he said camron being pregnant was unnatural so that baby gonna be unnatural

But a few months after his death I reached out to Camron asking if I could see my kid and surprisingly he agreed

This kid is the reason why I'm still hanging on

Don't know how I went so long without him

All I know is me and Camron not done yet

I'm not gonna stop fighting for us

Just like he said:

"I'll wait forever and a day if it means I end up with you"

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do

There's no breaking us my love

𝖨'𝗅𝗅 𝗐𝖺𝗂𝗍 𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺 𝖽𝖺𝗒Where stories live. Discover now