part 9

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*2 weeks later*

Takashi pov

me and Camron have been living together for a few weeks now. I'm happy i told him about my disorder because I'm realizing how hard it woulda been to hide. I have pills on my dressers, my entire dorm is a mess, and I wake up in the middle of the night for no reason causing him to wake up but he don't even be asleep half the time

we both obviously have issues that we can help each other through if we foreal try

I'm sitting on my couch waiting for camron to get home he got this new job at this cafe. I have real bad abandonment issues cuz of my bpd

I told him he didn't have to get a job cuz I got him, but he insisted. then he started asking how I get my money, and I was gonna tell him but I just couldn't

he killed his parents and he thinks Hes the worst person in the world. how would he feel if i told him I killed people at least once a month and the dude who balls I came out of is a fucking serial killer drug boss. nahh I ain't telling him yet

I hear a knock at the door and I run up to open it thinking its cam then I realize camron has a key so why would he be knocking? I open the door and its Khion dumbass ''oh its you" I say looking unamused and walking away from the door

"nigga fuck you mean its me? duh it me, your fucking best friend" he says trying to sound offended

''I thought you was someone else'' I say ''ohh that thick gay lil white boy?'' I cut my eyes at him so quick. he puts his hands up in defense "that's you or something" he asks confused

all I could do is stare at this nigga and question our whole friendship ''why are you here?" I ask

"cause I brought these'' he pulled out a fat ass bag of weed and another bag with the rolling paper

I try to grab them from him and he pulls away and says ''nahhhhhh answer my question first. And did you take your pills?'' he asks
I nod my head
Everyone I'm close too knows bout my disorder

And I can't smoke if I don't take my pills It makes me have these really bad mood swings

''what question nigga''

''whats going on with you and white boy cause yo reaction to me calling him thick was crazy''

''ain't shit was crazy nigga gimme the weed'' 

''fine'' he says throwing me the bag

I start rolling up, and he goes and get the liquor out of my cabinet

*30 minuets later*

"bro bro'' khion says looking at me with hooded eyes
We still call each other that bro bro nickname we made when we were younger

''yes yes'' I respond not even turning my head

"sooooo you gonna tell me now?'' he asks "tell you whaaaat'' I cant even think straight right now bro

''about you and lil white boy''  oh yeahhhh

''oh that, it's complicated but I'm feeling him though''

he looks at me and laughs ''fuck I aint know you was a fag- I'm just playing bro'' he said laughing his guts out and I laugh with him

"So fucking funny" I say putting on a straight face hitting his chest

''what happened to you and alyssa tho'' he said slurring almost every word

''she aint shit I wasn't really feeling her like that either I don't know why I agreed to date her'' I respond

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