part 12

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Takashi Pov

I woke up this morning with a pounding headache, I looked to my side and saw Camron sleeping peacefully and smiled to myself

I'm so lucky bro he so perfect

I kissed his forehead and slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom and took care of my hygiene, then went to the kitchen and decided to make breakfast because he usually does it and I wanna Suprise him

I get out my phone and search up a YouTube video on how to make eggs

don't fucking judge me either nobody taught me how to cook

once I found the right video I started making the eggs in one pan and some sausages in another pan

when I first met cam he never really ate like that and i never asked him about it cause I already had a clue that it had to do with what happened with his parents

When I caught my first body I was the same way but got over real quick when I remembered why I killed them

but Hes been eating a lot lately and all that food going to the right places I smirk thinking about it to myself

knowing that Hes all mine gives me this feeling I can't even describe, I don't even know how it happened, it's just when you know you know I guess cuz I was so random but it felt just right so who was I to question it?

''kash?'' I hear from down the hall ahhhh my baby.

bro what the fuck is wrong with lemme keep my composure ''yes baby" I respond as he appears in the kitchen

"Breakfast? you made?" he laughs "yeah baby you ain't know I can cook huh"

"you searched up how to do it didn't you" he says smirking

"maybeeee" I respond ''thank you so much'' he says giving me a kiss ''you're the best'' he says

"no, you are''

"no, I said it first''

"I don't care, you're the best''

''if we keep going at this the foods gonna get cold'' he laughs

he sits down and looks at his food then looks back up at me "are you gonna eat with me" he asks

"yeah, I have to take my pills''

''ok'' he says giving me a small smile

I walk back into our room and find my pills on my dresser, I find a water bottle and as i'm about to drink the pills I look and the mirrior

this can't be the rest of my life I think to myself swollowing pills, in and out of the hospital, i scare Camron each time I have an ''episode''

but for some reason he always stays, like it doesn't matter how much I hurt him or scare him he never leaves

that's the typa shit I've been waiting for from someone, anytime something happened with my other ex those bitches was so quick to leave,  even Alyssa threatened to leave me once but she know she couldn't make it without me

even my dad bro, he would just drop me off at the 73-hour psyc hold, and that shit was aggravating as fuck cuz I ain't wanna be in there with those actual fucking crazy people what the fuck

but Camron is different he always calms me down and sticks by my side, that's some really ride or die shit I smirk to myself

I swallow the pills then remember I have to go with my dad somewhere today

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