Not a update!!!

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OK I'm sorry to all y'all that didn't know it was gonna be a mpreg😭

I forgot to say it in the beginning cause I know some people not Into that lol

But yeah this is how I wanted to do the story and I apologize and if you want to stop reading that's fine👍🏾

But anyways y'all, that's gonna keep reading do y'all  I think I should stop this book at like 25-30 chapters and then make a sequel or no sequel?

Cause I'm leaning more towards no sequel because I feel like that'll just be dragging it

But yeah I am greatly saddened to say that this book is almost over just a few chapters left
Thank you to the ones that's been here since the beginning

I got the whole ending planned out and I really hope y'all enjoy it
Thank y'all for all the support

                                     -love Deniise❤️

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