Part 26

437 17 2

Back again 🤭

Khion pov


This couch hard as fuck a nigga can't get no sleep

And takashi taking to long with this food
I'm bout to go home cuz ain't no way

I get off the couch grabbing my phone and keys and leave the dorm
But I remember I ain't tell Camron I was leaving so I pull out my phone and I was bout to shot him a text as I'm standing outside

But I feel someone approach me while my back is turned away

"Open the fucking door" I hear a voice say from behind me

But as I'm about to turn around I feel some type of metal glide against my neck

"I said open the fucking door"

Who the fuck is this?

I don't got my strap on me so I got no other choice but to go in because I ain't trying to get killed but I'm also not trying to put Cameron at risk

I reopen the door and walk back in to Takashi's dorm

The dude follows right behind me keeping the knife at my neck

I ain't just gonna stay here like a pussy so in a swift motion and I pushed him back onto the couch making his arm hit one of the vases and it falls to the floor and breaks


He gets back up as I'm trying to run away and chokes me with his left bicep and putting the knife in front of my neck

Damn the nigga strong

"What happened I heard something break" I hear Cameron say from the kitchen


I see him walk into the living room and all the color is drawn from his face

"Camron run" I say trying to keep my composure

"You move and I'll slice his throat open" The dude says catching me off guard cuz what the fuck did I do???

"Calic? I-" Camron is now Hyperventilating

Ohhhhhhhhhh this the brother calic

I thought kashii shot him...multiple times

I'm confused

Camron pov

What is going on

I have no words

How did he survive?

"Camron shut the fuck up with all crying shit" he says hatefully

"You thought I was just gonna go out? Just like that? By your faggot ass boyfriend? Fuck no. You already took out the rest of the family but I ain't going no where"
"If I go down you're coming with me" he says

"Calic please just let him go he doesn't have to get hurt" I say referring to khion

"No" he bluntly says

"Calic I'm-"

"I don't accept your apology" he says cutting me off
"You've apologized so much you really expect me to believe you?"

"And what the fuck that Nigga got you eating fat ass" he laughs



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