Part 17

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Camron pov

"Yo where the alcohol at?" I hear Alyssa from across the room

I've been here for 6 hours, I know that for a fact because there is a huge clock on the wall which is so weird cause why is it just there?

Anyways The numbers are kind of hard to see but I push through

So for the past 6 hour I've been getting beaten and yelled at by my "siblings"

I'm still in awe that Alyssa is my sister. She's been acting like my friend this entire time but in reality she hates my guts

I kind of see the the resemblance between her, me, and calic

it's crazy how I never spotted it though
And she hid it so well

Half of my face is bruised black and purple and the other half has multiple cuts on it and was gushing blood that quickly dried

I bet if u lifted up my shirt you would see purple and black bruises all around my body

I'm in agonizing pain. It's unbearable.

Of course something like this would happen to me
I kill my parents then my siblings come take revenge on me
It's like something out of a movie or book

"It's in my bag" I hear calic respond to Alyssa's question causing her to stop her rummaging around and step over to his bag

"Ha, ok I got it" Alyssa says looking at the label on the rubbing alcohol label

I feel like they've been planning this out for a while but the execution is really messy. Rubbing alcohol? Really? I clearly got all the smart genes. But then again I did put my parents dead corpse in our hall closet...

Maybe we're all just stupid?

She walks closer to me standing in front of me with the alcohol in hand and a smirk on her face

I look at her with dim hooded eyes "no, pleasing sorry" I already know what's about to happen
"Don't apologize now it's to late for that shit" calic say walking up next to her with a knife

"Show him sum since he wanna apologize" calic says with a smirk on his face

And with that Alyssa take off the lid of the of the alcohol of and begins to pours it on my head

It pours down from my hair to my face
I feel a painful burning sensation from each cut on my face and I scream at the top of my lung in agonizing pain

"Stop please I'm sorry" I yell out causing Alyssa to pour even more

"Oh no baby you can keep apologizing. You don't understand what you did is unforgivable" she said losing all feeling on her face you could see it in her eyes.

she wanted revenge

"and that's for stealing my boyfriend too you sluty bitch"

"Ight that's enough get him up"

Alyssa stops pouring the alcohol and begins to untie the ropes around me

Are they letting me free?

Once Alyssa finishes untying the ropes I try to make a run for it but is very quickly stopped by calic's chest "the fuck you going to?" He asks annoyed

He pulls my arm and pushes me into the chair "turn around"
I do as he say's so they don't hurt me

I stand up to turn around but he pushes me back into the chair and says "on yo knees ass up"

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