Part 2

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Takashi pov

"But you can call me kash"
I don't know why I said that shit bro nobody calls me that. This nigga weird bro it's just something about him that makes me want to.. you know what I'm not even gonna go there.

it was obvious dude was gay and im not tryna get mixed with all dat

"I like that name it sounds kinda foreign"
"Are your parents from some where else?" He asks

"Nahh New York born and raised"

"Oh that's cool. Will you also be staying here?" He said in a nervous voice
I don't know why dude nervous for

"Nah I'm not staying here I'm in the dorm across"
"Ohhhh" he says letting out a breath of relief
He doing the most I ain't even scary

"Why you sound relieved?" I asked with a light chuckle
"No reason" he says as he turns around and goes to the other room and I'd be lying if I said I didn't look but it was just there all fat and shit.

Lemme stop before I sound even more homo cuz just being around dude makes me feel weird. I get a call on my phone I already knew who was calling, my irritating ass dad.
Ever since I was little he's been training me for the drug game that he is currently ruling over, but he says in a few years I have to take over his thrown but I don't wanna be the one to tell him that isn't what I wanna do with my life bro.

I admit the whole kingpin thing is cool or whatever getting people to do what you want and holding there life in your hands, but I want to do more than that, get a actual education. That's why I enrolled myself in college. My dad didn't know for the first few months but when he found out he went ballistic. He kicked me out and all that extra shit, that's why I have to stay in the dorms. But I still work for my dad because he wants me to continue my training because for some reason he thinks I'll change my mind. But he's paying me so I do it.

"Hello" I say annoyed into the phone
"Takashi where the fuck you at its four"
"Im coming damn you doing three much"
"Shut yo ass up fore I hand it to you through this fucking phone"
"Whatever man I'm on my way"

Camron pov

I was flopped on the couch exhausted after fixing all the boxes away, it took forever. Kash left a few hours ago so I was here all alone since Alyssa never came back for some reason. I got up and walked past the kitchen

I wanted to so badly go in there and make something to eat but the thought of putting something into my mouth makes me completely sick. But I try anyways. I walk into the kitchen and pick up a apple from the fruit stand. I wash it off with some water then I take a bite, I immediately regret it. I find the trash can nearest to me and throw everything that was in my stomach up. I haven't eaten in a week so I don't know exactly what I threw up. I've been living off of water and god. And for some reason I can go so long with out eating but continue to maintain this figure that everyone but me is so fond of.

Ever since everything happened back in Chicago I haven't been able to keep anything down. Just thinking back to at it... that's enough.

I go to the bathroom and get in the shower

Once I'm done I get out, brush my teeth and start my skin care routine. As soon as I start I hear giggling and laughter from the front door. I get scared because what if it's an intruder. But I hear a familiar voice, it's Alyssa I start to open the bathroom door to go greet her but as soon as I open the door I see something... something I was not meant to see. Alyssa was making out with some man on the couch! Omg who is this, what is kash gonna think, wait should I tell him, no that's none of my business
I think to myself
I quickly finish washing my face and go to my room and get dressed.
I hop in bed but couldn't fall asleep as expected
but for a different reason not because of Chicago like all the other nights, it was different, for some weird reason I couldn't stop thinking about kash.

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