Part 27

523 18 3

Back to back Im telling ya😫

Camron pov

"No thank you"

I say to the nurse who is trying to offer me food

I've lost my appetite
I can't do anything but think about takashi
I've been here for 7 hours with no sleep or food

This isn't good for the baby.

A few hours ago a doctor came out and told me that calic "unfortunately" passed

I couldn't care less to be honest. if only she knew I killed him

"Camron" I hear a familiar voice say walking into the waiting area

I look up and It's Takashi's father
Oh god.

"Um hi" I respond trying to give him a small smile

He takes a seat next to me handing me a water bottle

"So... what happened cuz I refuse to talk to a pig and the doctors ain't wanna tell me nothing like I'm not Takashi's dad" he starts off sounding aggregated

"And where Khion ass at I ain't hear from him" he asks looking over at me

"Um khion-" but I'm cut off by a doctor

"The family of takashi Wilson and Khion Parker?" She asks

"Fuck??! Khion here too? I only got a call for kashii. They really tried taking out both my sons what the hell!!?" kash's dad says kind of under his breath

"Um yes" I respond to the doctors question

"Ok so previously Takashi was in critical condition from all the bleeding, but we packed all the sutures stoping the bleeding" she says making both me and Takashi's father nod at her words

"But unfortunately.. Khion suffered Major damage to his pelvis and lungs. And on top of that he severely hit his head. So add that with the bleeding it's made is difficult for blood to be delivered to the brain.. I'm sorry, we did everything we could but.. we've lost him. He's brain dead" she says sadly

This can't be..
We were all just together

Just my mask kash and Khion. Like it used to be

How will kash take this? How do I take this.
All I feel like doing now is crying.

"The fuck you just say?" Kash's dad asks loudly

"Um sir-" the doctor starts but is cut off

"Bring me to him. Right now. Bring me to my fucking son right now or I'm shooting this place up" he whispers to her calmly but I can hear the pain in his voice

"Please sir you can't make threats like that. I'll bring you to him ok?" She whispers back

She begins guiding us to khions room

Once we reach it kash's dad finally loses it

He places his hand over his mouth in shock

I can't believe it either

"I've taught y'all better than this!" He yells walking closer to khions bed side

He has tubes in his mouth and needles stuck up his arms

"Why am I here Khion? I know you know how to protect yourself. Where was your gun huh? Didn't I always tell you to stay strapped up?" He says as one single tear drops out of his eye but he quickly wipes it away

"Even though it wasn't biological you will always be my son ok? I love you" he whispers to him

I walk closer taking khions hand

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