Part 6

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Takashi pov

I looked at him, his eyes filled with tears I wish I could take all his pain away.
He looked at me and he saw the pity I had for him in my eyes and he just broke down

I barely knew dude, but the fact that he could just admit all that to me is something different.. he's different

"Im sorry" he said as he quickly got up and left the bathroom wiping his tears away

*2 weeks later*

I feel weird bro. Camron hasn't spoken to me in two weeks. I see him in the halls, nothing, in class, nothing at the dorms,nothing. And one side of me is trying not to care but the other side is killing me

He confessed all that shit to me then stopped talking to me like what the fuck.

That's why I'm making it my goal today to get him to talk to me cuz just seeing him not cutting it I low key miss talking to his ass

I go to Alyssa's dorm
I open the dorm and find the two of them on the couch watching some shit on the tv

Alyssa runs up to me
"Heyyyy babe" she says kissing me all over my face
"Hey" I respond quickly with a kiss on the cheek

I couldn't take my eyes off of cam bro
He was just so.... So.. I don't know how to explain it
I'm not supposed to be attracted to a boy that's not the plan

I'm supposed to finish college, get married ...(married to a female), have kids and shit
He's fucking up my plan
"What y'all doing?" I ask

"Watching a movie" Alyssa replies running to the kitchen
"Imma make you some popcorn so you can watch wit us"
"Ok whatever" I say sitting next to cam
"Hey" I whisper to him to him smiling, he looks over to me and smiles looking away quickly

Ok I'm tired of this shit.

I take his hand and drag him to his room

I close and lock the door and stand i front of it making sure he won't leave
"What are you doing takashi?" He asks
"Why you Been ignoring me yo"

"Because I should have never told you those things"

"Camron I know you think that but to be honest they deserved that shit" I Respond

He looks down at his feet
"Look at me yo" I say in a demanding manner .

He ignores me

"I said Look at me" I say softly picking his head up

I admire all his features, and I don't know what it is but It's something about him that makes me want to fuck up my entire plan

"Where y'all at?" We hear Alyssa yell from the living room
Camron tries to go past me to enter the door but I stop him of course

"Kash what are you doing" he said giggling
"I wasn't done with you" I say licking my lips
"Kash she's looking for us" He says hitting my chest

"and she gonna keep looking 'cause I'm not opening this door"
I take his arm and pull him into my chest and grabbing on to his waist as he Hugs my torso

"I'm sorry cam" I whisper down at him "for what?"
"For overstepimg, cause you probably wasn't even planning on telling nobody that"

"It's fine really, it felt good to tell someone and get it off my chest it's been eating me up for weeks" he says sounding like he about to cry
"What y'all doing in there" I hear Alyssa yell from the other side of the door.

Fuck. Camron quickly moved away from me and somehow slip pasted and opened the door
"Hi Alyssa" Camron says smiling at her

"Um hey, what was y'all doing in here?".

"Nothing, we gonna watch this movie or what" I say walking past her and going to the couch

Camron pov

She goes after him and sits on his lap
I sit next to them awkwardly. Alyssa puts the movie on and 10 minutes into it I feel something brush past my hand. I look down and I see kash's hand touching mine. I look up and see a smirk on his face

I start Blushing fiercely, trying to hide it. Then all of the sudden Alyssa's phone starts ringing "hold up imma take this real quick" she says getting up and leaving the room
As soon as she's gone kash moves closer to me leaving no space between us "hi" I whisper giving him a soft smile "hey" he responds smirking and staring at my face

"Lemme take you out" he says out of no where "what?" I respond laughing

"You heard me. lemme take you out real talk. You needa do sum you going through to much"
"You have a girlfriend" I whisper looking at Alyssa in the kitchen

"Barely, she's cheating on me right?"
He asks making me look away
"I already knew that, but this not bout her this bout me and you" he says

I smile
"So can I take you out or what shawty"
"Umm yes" I whisper lowly

He smirks at me and as he's about to say something Alyssa runs in the room "I gotta go, my friend need my help, imma be back ok" he says kissing kashs cheek and kissing my forehead

"Ok bye lyssa" I say as the door closes and she's gone

Alyssa pov

I check my phone to see the address he sent me

As I enter it into my phone I reminisce about the past few weeks with Camron

I've grown pretty close with him

I'm executing this little plan or whatever perfectly

He is so ignorant thinking he's going to get away with this. I shake my head thinking about his dumbass

Once i arrive to the location I get out at a abandoned warehouse looking place "this some freaky movie shit" I Say To myself

I open the doors to the warehouse and there he is standing there waiting for me brother I say as I run up to him smiling "calic"
He hugs me and kisses me all over my face
"I missed you so much how have you been, how have things been going with Camron" he asks bombarding me with questions

"I've been fine I guess, Camron is annoying as always, he stay throwing up, and crying in the middle of the night"

"Good, that's good, that means he's thinking about what he did" calic says thinking to himself

"I guess but he's irritating"

"But we gonna get our revenge on him right" he said lifting his pinky finger up. I lock mine with his and say "of course"

What do y'all think is going on with Alyssa and calic?😀

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