Part 24

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Finally updating y'all😭 ngl I had some writers block but I'm straight now

Camron pov

I don't know how to feel

I am a pregnant male and my boyfriend/baby daddy is a mentally ill thug

At this point I'm trying to keep my cool for this unborn child's sake

But the stress is eating me up

Takashi told me that he told his father about our child... it didn't go well

I hope this doesn't ruin their relationship
I can't have that weighing on my mind too

It's been a week since then

Me and takashi are at the grocery store picking up a few things

"The milk with the blue top or the red top?" He asks examining the different kinds of milk

"Red please" I say holding on to the cart

He takes the milk and places it in the cart

As I'm pushing it I feel his hand go on top of mine

"Are you ok baby? You been acting distant" he says sadness laced in his voice

I've been stuck in the dorms all week because kash wanted me to get used to taking classes from home

"It's nothing" I whisper

"It clearly is, look at your face you got bags under you eyes and shit what's wrong?" He asks getting frustrated

"Jesus kash just leave it alone" I say cutting my eyes at him

"Hmm so all this for you to be mad at me?" He asks stoping the cart

We're in the back of the store next to the freezer items

"All what kash? What are you even talking about?" I ask trying to keep calm

"You having my kid. I'm throwing everything away for a life with you and you can't even respect me enough to answer me when I ask you something?!" He yells in my face

"Get out of my face." I say calmly

When he doesn't move I push his chest and yell "get the hell out of my face takashi"

He stumbles back just a little with a flustered look on his face but it quickly changes back to anger

"I don't need this shit you know. You having a baby and refusing to get a abortion! You know you could die from this shit right?" He asks yelling louder than he was before
Good thing we're in the back but I know a few ears can hear us

"Why do you want this kid so bad huh? I ain't good enough for you? You wanna put a kid in my lap then rip it away each time I act up?"

"Oh my god! Please just stop talking nonsense. If you don't feel that your fit to be a parent don't take it out on me. Act like a sane person for once and stop talking out of your ass
You stopped taking your pills I didn't force you to do anything!" I say pointing in his chest "saying your throwing your life away??? no one is forcing you to be here takashi" I say taking the cart and beginning to walk away

But I'm stoped by a tall white male that looked to be a police officer

"Are you two Camron Davis and takashi Wilson?"

I lower my head and say "Um yes officer"

"Ok you two need to come with me for questioning" he says looking behind me I guess looking at kash

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