Part 18

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*1 month later*

Camron pov

It's been a month now. My scars have healed but I don't think I ever will

I sit here now in this therapy group with all these other people that went through traumatic things and I feel terrible.

Kash forced me to go. I don't understand why. I just want to be home with him, but when I am home he always try's to bring the situation up and ask how I'm feeling but he doesn't understand that I'm over it and I don't want to talk about it and I definitely don't want to talk about it in a support group

"Ok would you like to share?" I hear the woman that leads the group overpower my thoughts causing me to zone back into the conversation everyone is looking at my way so I guess she was asking me

I shake my head no causing her to give me a small smiling "that's fine it's ok if you don't feel comfortable yet. Who wants to go next"

*1 hour later*

Once the group is finally over I walk out of the building to already see kash's car parked waiting for me in the parking lot

A small smile appears on my face

I walk over to the car and get in

He looks up from his phone over at me "hey baby" he says giving me a smile

"Hi" I respond leaning in giving him a small kiss but he grabs on to my neck elongating the kiss causing me to melt into it. These kisses never get old

After he pulls away he asks "how was the group?"

"Good" I say not really remembering much that happened in the group since I was in my head most of the time

"Good" he says before putting his hand on my thigh and starting the car

Once we reach the dorms we get out of the car and start walking towards the building

Just as we we're about to go up the steps we see Khion sitting on the side of them smoking

"K?" Kash asks walking up to him

"Oh shit wassup tt where the fuck you been I been doing sessions without you" he said standing up while shaking kash's hand or as kash calls it a 'dap up'

"I been at school nigga, you know I missed a whole bunch of shit so I gotta make it all up, I'm serious bout this shit to" he responds to khions question

"Oh that's what's up for real, wass good camster" Khion says looking at me

A month later and he still calls me by that horrendous nickname

I laugh and say "hi k"

"Oh nah he got you calling me k now, sooner or later niggas gonna think I'm part of the kkk"

Kash laughs at that pushing khions shoulder

"We gon go up, you wanna hang out later?" Kash asks

"Nigga you know I'm down for whatever"

Khions says before me and kash go up the stairs reaching the dorm

Once we get in kash falls onto the couch

I try to walk past him but he grabs on to my waist pulling me on top of him

"What's good wit you why was you trying to walk past me?"

He asks as his warm minty breath hits my cheek

I blush and say "no reason"

"Mhmmm you don't wanna be round me that's cool" he says as he lightly pushes me off of him and begins to walk to the kitchen

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