Part 4

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Camron pov

That whole car drive was weird.
As we got out of the car Alyssa went to buy coffee at one of the stands and I tried to get as far away from kash as possible even though I just learned that no on calles him that but me which is so weird.

As I started speed walking he ran up to me and grabbed my arm ughhh I hate when he does that
"Why you always tryna get away from me?" He asks

"Umm because I have to go find my schedule" which is kind of true

"Nah I think u don't wanna be around me" he said putting a fake frown on his face

I smiled at him and said "of course I want to be around you kash" he smiled and walked me into the school completely forgetting about Alyssa

As we're in line for our schedules Alyssa comes running up to us with coffee on her shirt and her hair messed up. Kash didn't look the least bit worried

"Omg are you ok" I ask
" Yea I'm fine" she said mean mugging her boyfriend

"You see takashi this why I feel like you don't even wanna be with me for real, you don't even ask what the fuck happened or nothing it's like you don't care bout me at all"

He looked up from his phone and gave her annoyed look "bro u be doing this weird shit for attention"

"But kash" as soon as he heard the name he gave her a stern look and said "bro don't call me that shit"

"But you ain't have a problem when Camron called you that huh"

He looked away
"You acting like you wasn't just bowing down to this pussy not even 24 hours ago"

He walks away and I watch him greet another very tall brown skin boy who I'm guessing is his friend.
"He always do this bro" Alyssa says looking as if she is about to cry
"Imma be right back ok save my spot in line i gotta go to the bathroom" she says running to the bathroom down the hall

Kash comes back over to where I was in line and stands there with his friend not saying a word
"Damn T you not gon introduce me rude ass nigga"

"No" he simply says
"Fine the fuck" his friend says then
continues to say "yo my name Khion who you is"

I didn't know what to say even though he just asked me my name I stood there for a couple seconds I probably looked really stupid

"my name is Cameron nice to meet you" Omg I probably sounded dumb.

"Mmm so you go here already or what?" Khion says
"No it's my first year actually" I say smiling
"Oh word?" He responds licking his lips
I nod my head blushing
"Yo that's enough" I hear kash say

Takashi pov

"Yo that's enough"
Why the fuck is Khion even over here talking to him like nigga could just stand here, he always tryna talk to someone then got Camron blushing and shit like I know the conversation wasn't all that.

''what's yo problem nigga damn'' Khion said laughing ''why soo saltyyy'' he snag in my ear

I don't know why I even care it's weird. ''nothing shut the fuck up bro'' Hes irritating

I've been best friends with Khion since I can remember, cause our parents work together and they where best friends in high school

he's my ace for real but I also know he can read me like a book so he'll defiantly be asking about Camron later

and i honestly don't know what to tell him

Anyways we got assigned our schedules I had two classes with Khion and one with Camron since I have to take some freshman classes cause I missed a whole semester last year when my dad forced me an Khion to go to Puerto Rico with him for "Business"

Me and cam had first course together as we were walking in he stopped in his tracks like he'd just seen a ghost or some shit. He runs out the class room and I go after him

"Cam what's wrong?" I ask confused
He runs into the bathroom and of course I go after him he goes in to a stall locks it and I hear him starting to cry

I knock on the stall "cam you good?"
He ignores me

"Camron you know you can talk to me please I don't wanna Hear you cry" I stand out side of the stall for a couple more minutes then he opens the door And comes out Eyes bloodshot red and tears down his face

"Yo you good?" He comes up to me and hugs my torso and surprisingly

Camron pov

He hugges back
I give him a long hug and cry into his torso.
He draws circles in my back and whispers "its gonna be ok" in my ear

Why is he here how did he find me

When I walked into that room every emotion from the past came back in a wave.

But I know I have to go in there and face him some how

As I start to calm down kash takes me to the sink and tells me to splash water on my face so I do as he says
When I finish
He looks at me sternly and asks
"What happened"
Do I tell him

"There was some one in there. Someone I used to know back where I lived" I say

"Did they hurt you what happened It looked like you was having a panic attack"

"His name is calic he's my .. brother"

"You were crying cause you seen your brother?" He says

How do I tell him that it's much deeper than that

Ok y'all next chapter will be a flashback on camrons past don't forget to vote ❤️

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