Part 23

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Camron pov

Today me and kash are supposed to be going back to the doctor so she can tell me exactly how I'm pregnant

This entire thing is confusing, scary, and exciting all at the Same

I expected kash to pull away because this is awfully scary and just all up most weird

But all last night he was rubbing my stomach and reassuring me that everything will be alright

How did I get so lucky?

I don't really look pregnant since it's only been three weeks
But I have gained some weight

Once we got home yesterday I picked out all my big sweaters so I can wear them to school so I can hide my excess fat even though kash says I still look perfect

"Baby you ready?" Kash yells from the kitchen

I've been ready for a while now I thought he was eating

I walk out of the room seeing kash sitting on the counter eating grapes

I walk in between his legs looking up at him
"You ready" he asks before kissing my lips

"Yes" I smile up at him

"Ight let's go" he says hoping off of the counter

Soon we reach the clinic and go to the front desk and thankfully there is another person there and not that same girl from yesterday

"Um good morning, I have an appointment with dr.carmaine" I say lowly to the old woman

She looks up smiling at me "oh aren't you the cutest thing" she drags out

Wow. shes really old

My cheeks burn up "thank you"

"Ok I'll cheek the records for an appointment with Stephanie"

"Oh I said dr.carmaine not Stephanie"

"Her first name is Stephanie boozo, I'm her mother" she says looking up at me with the smile no longer on her face

How was I supposed to know that

"Who The fuck your talking to like that?" Kash asks looking at her

I nudge his ankle

"Anyways it says here that you in fact do have an appointment with her, please go in the waiting room and she will be calling you out soon"

"Ok thank you" I say taking kash's hand into the waiting room

"Old ass bitch this why I don't respect the elderly" he says after we sit down

"Kash stop" I laugh putting my hand over his mouth

Ten minutes pass and finally dr. Carmaine pops her head into the waiting room and says "Camron, takashi nice to see you again, please follow me"

*1 hour later*

After all these test and the touching and observing of my body parts have been completed we are now sitting in dr.carmaines office

She has a small stack of papers on her desk and she continues to flip through them

"Ok camron all my assumptions were correct you have most female anatomy, it is so miraculous. you are a walking medical mystery, and I also believe to have this baby I will have to deliver it via c-section" she starts

I nod trying to take in everything she just said

"But I'll just say it now, Camron I really don't think you should be going out, I know it's going to be hard but when your baby bump starts growing going out will cause eyes to be on you and put you in an extremely dangerous situation" she says crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat

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