part 13

790 34 11

Takashi Pov

the rest of the day went by slow as fuck. I met up with cam at lunch and I was tryna bring up the fact that light skin dude was being weird as fuck but all he said was "kash just put it to rest"

I know right, like what the fuck you mean put it rest, I'll put yo ass to rest, ok lemme stop cause that's just gonna turn me on.

Now me and khion waiting Infront of my car for camron. I check the time and notice its almost 4:00. where the fuck is he I think to myself

"bro text him or something, nigga we gotta go" khion says to me

I pull out my phone to text him and then I spot him coming out of the school with... I'll give you some time to guess

light skin dude bro. I need to start calling him by his name cause 'light skin' dude ain't cutting it lmao

''what the fuck" I say under my breath

"Hold up imma be right back bro bro" I say to khion as I start walking towards them

"yo camron what the fuck'' I say once I reach the two

he looks up at me and immediately looks embarrassed "I've been waiting out here for you and you with this nigga?'' I question. he doesn't respond

and 'Chris' or whatever just stands there looking dumb as fuck "um bye Camron, gimme your dorm number so we on the project together.'' Chris says trying to walk away from the situation. am I hearing correctly? he not coming to the dorm what the fuck Camron don't know that this nigga just tryna use him or get in his pants

I grab on to the nigga shoulder hard as fuck turning him around "nah nigga you cool on that"

"What the fuck is your problem bro I'm just tryna work on this with him" he says to me

"You think I'm a dumbass? I know what you tryna do he may not understand but I do'' I say to him

"And if I ever see you talking to him again it's your head bro, I put that on my dead moms"

"And that goes for all yall niggas to" I say yelling to everyone that was on the patio

"Hes unavailable as fuck tell your friends if they thought they had a chance with him they thought wrong, and if you have a problem with all this you and come to me direct" I say taking Camron and walking back to the car

I heard everyone whispering shit like "bro Takshi so fine why he gotta be gay" or "the cute ones always fags"

what the fuck is wrong with these hoes now and days I shake my head to myself

once we get back to the car I hear Khion's voice "finafuckingly (a/n I say this all the time it's finna-fucking-ly Srry if y'all ain't get it😭) damn yall was taking forever and I'm hungry as hell"

"We don't give a fuck" I respond

"whatever, I heard yo lil speech you gave back there" he said smirking and pinching my cheek

normally I would have slapped the fuck out of him, but all my focus was on Camron

he was looking out the window he looked sad as fuck, is it 'cause of me?

of course not

that Chris nigga probably said something and made him sad. now if he just tells me what he said I could kill him.

I put my hand on his thigh "baby, what's wrong?'' I question he turns his face to me, and I see his face full of tears. oh yeah, I'm definitely taking Chris out, making my baby cry? oh nah

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