Part 8

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camron Pov

"camron?'' calic says walking up to our booth  why is he here, and why is alyssa with him

"why are you h-here'' i say my voice breaking  ''that's really all your gonna say cam" he responds giving me a ugly look

''calic why- why are you here'' i say trying not to hypervalent "I left the house, had to go somewhere you know'' he says looking unphased

''i was actually thinking about visiting mom and dad next week''  i feel the color drain from my face

"oh'' I simply respond, I turn to face Kash and say ''I don't think I want to be here anymore''

Calic is apart of the family that hurt me. I don't care what anyone says
Even if he didn't do it hands on he still left when he knew the abuse I was enduring

"ight we can go'' kash responds getting up

''Takashi" A voice calls out, we turn around and it's none other than Alyssa with an annoyed look on her face

'''what'' kash responds

"why was you even here with him to begin with?'' she said giving me a nasty look, Alyssa was always so sweet to me, what happened?

"cause I was, why was u here with him'' Kash says looking at calic

''Cause I was'' Alyssa responds  ''exactly so don't ask me dumb shit yo'' he said taking my hand and leading me out of the diner

"fuck you Takashi I ain't even want yo ass for real, you can stay with your faggot ass boyfriend" she yelled at the top of her lungs causing every eye in the diner to be on us

Kash stopped in  his tracks and turned around still gripping to my hand, he walks up to alyssa takes her neck and slams her into the wall "bro what the fuck are you doing" calic yells  trying to break it up causing Kash to let go of my hand to punch calic straight in the jaw

he put his focus back on alyssa "say that shit again bro ion think I heard you the first time'' he whispered in her ear

she looks away as tears start to form in her eyes. he lifts her off the wall just to slam her right back into it "say it with yo chest bitch" he yells in her ear

"im sorry'' she says tears falling out of her eyes  ''I'm sorry ok'' she says again

he lets go of her neck causing her to fall to the floor ''fuck you, and if yo ass ever say something to me or camron again its yo head. attention seeking ignorant ass bitch'' he said taking my hand and walking out of the diner.

takashi Pov

I look over at Camron as I'm driving back to the dorms, I could feel that he was hurting

''I'm sorry'' he says out of no where with tears in his eyes. 


"what you sorry for cam?"

"every thing that whole thing was my fault'' he says breaking down putting his head down

he always thinking some thing his fault,  I drift off the highway and park in some grass on the side of the street

"Camron look at me" he ignores me  "i said look at me yo"

he slowly puts his head up revealing his red eyes ''come here" I say pushing my seat back and taking his arm so he can sit on my lap. I make him straddle me and he starts blushing

If anyone walks past this probably looks mad gay but at this point my only focus is on Camron

"you see I told you yo ass stay blushing" I say getting a smile out of him "that shit wasn't your fault you heard?'' he nods his head
"I think I have feelings for you camron I'm not gonna lie and sit here and act like I don't feel nothing towards you" I say looking down not really knowing how he's gonna react

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