part 11

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Camron Pov

"Camron?'' I hear from behind me

already knowing who it is, I ignore it and continue walking ''cam, I know you heard me'' I hear again, I ignore it

then I feel someone touch my shoulder "Camron" I slowly turn around

"Hi Alyssa" I say with a fake smile plastered on my face

"why was you ignoring me, just cause me and takashi not cool don't mean me and you can't be on good terms'' she says to me

"Um I don't know'' I say unsurely

''I know Takashi put a lot of bs in yo head'' not really

"Takashi doesn't talk about you'' I said bluntly, he said the name Alyssa isn't allowed in the dorm

She gives me an unamused look

"Can we please be friend's cam I miss you"
I don't know what to say

"Um yeah I guess'' what did I just agree to "yayyyyyy" she says hugging me

''let's go to the coffee shop I can buy you a doughnut'' I would have agreed to her offer but I checked the time and saw it was 5:54 so i had to go before Kash had a fit

''um maybe another time I have to go'' I say to her ''gotta get to takashi huh'' she said giving me a half smile

I nod

''well go, you don't want to keep him waiting''

''yeah bye'' I say waving at her as I turn around and start jogging back to the dorms

once I get back to my dorm I slowly unlock and open the door I get in then close and lock it

I walk to the kitchen and find kash sitting at the table taking his pills

I've only witness him have two episodes. Once he started throwing everything around in the dorm because he didn't want to take his pills and another time, I found him lying face down in the tub full of water. luckily, I was there each time so he didn't hurt himself, I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened and I wasn't here. It's a challenge sometimes but nothing I've never delt with before

I walk up to his chair and put my hand over his eyes ''guess who it is'' I say and he starts laughing

''cam you wanna be like me so bad'' he said taking my hands and pulling me on to his lap

"How was yo walk'' he asks rubbing my waist and thighs and licking his lips

''it was good'' I say blushing from the feeling he was giving me Hes so handsome

I decided to not tell him about my encounter with Alyssa because I didn't want him to freak out

"You Tryna hop in the shower with me" he said kissing my hand

I nod my head yes but instantly regret it once I remember all the bruises and cuts in between my thighs that haven't healed and the fact that I wear... womans underwear embarrassing, it's not a sexual thing there just more comfortable

he picks me up and takes us to the bathroom and I just stood there watching every move as he got undressed ''don't be a perv cam'' I blushed and looked away

"you don't want to get in the shower with me?'' he asks noticing i haven't taken a piece of clothing off I shake my head slowly feeling bad

"that's fine baby you know you don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with'' he said placing both of his hands on my cheeks and giving me a kiss

I walk out giving him one last glance he just so... perfect

*20 minuets later*

"baby I'm done" I hear kash yell from the bathroom. I get up and walk to the bathroom and find him brushing his teeth at the sink ''I usually do that in the shower'' I tell him

he looks at me quickly "what" he asks ''brush my teeth" I reply

"Oh nah'' he says laughing "Camron that's like some real deal crazy shit bro'' he laughs

''I've done it all my life'' I say

I watch him as he finishes brushing his teeth

once Hes finally done he walks past me to leave but not without a kiss of course, I love his kisses so much I smile to myself

after he leaves the bathroom I start taking off my clothes first my shirt, then my pants then my underwear

I look at myself in the mirror and smile at how much fuller I look, ever since I've been eating again I a lot I forgot how much I missed it. and kash is always spoiling me with food since he knows I love it so much

then I put my leg up on the bathroom counter and look at my bruises and cuts that were in between my thighs . why are they still there? I want to cry thinking about it, but I pull myself together, crying wouldn't take the pain away

I get in and out of the shower in about 30 minuets I put a towel on and start my skin care routine

as I finish putting the face mask on my face kash walks in, I turn my head so he doesn't see my face mask. I always locked the door when I did my skin routine ''why you hiding" he says coming closer to me and turning my face "you look so cute" he gushed at me "do me" he says with a deep voice

"Huh?'' I ask him "do one of those face things for me, we can match'' he says smirking

"okay" I say excitedly I take out my jar of charcoal face mask put a bit on my fingers and start smearing it on his face, he stares in my eyes as I begin to blush the staring and blushing continued until I finished.

''we're twins'' I laugh once I'm done kash chuckles and pulls out his phone and says ''lets take a picture''

he puts me on the bathroom counter i go near his face as if I were to kiss his cheek but I don't so i don't get face mask on my lips

he puts four fingers up but puts his ring finger down I wonder what that means i think to myself then he smiles showing off his golds "click" the camera sound goes off

we smile looking at the picture ''your so cute'' he says admiring the picture even more

we wash the face masks off and he picks me up throwing me over his shoulder reviling my backside "kash" I giggle "put me down" I laugh even harder

he throws me on the bed and asks ''you gon go to sleep?''

"yes after I put my clothes on"

''oh yeah" he says with a goofy smirk

''so turn around'' I say trying to mimic his goofy face

he slowly turns around ''no peaking'' I say

''fine'' he sighs and I laugh shaking my head

once I finish I get in bed next to him

he turns over now face to face with me ''I'm not gonna be here tomorrow after school and the next day probably'' he says out of no where ''wait why'' I ask

''because I gotta go somewhere with my dad''

"oh'' I respond

I don't want him to leave but I don't want him to know that and think I'm clingy

''goodnight ok'' he says kissing my forehead

''goodnight'' I respond turning over as he grabs on to my waist and we drift asleep


kind of a filter chapter

I love my babies so much and how their relationship is growing🥰

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