part 15

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Hey yall. So I took a long ass break cuz I wasn't really feeling this story was going anywhere. I've been really discouraged but I wanna push through and at least finish this book.

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I woke up this morning in a cold sweat from a nightmare I had. Kash was being stabbed by a man with no face and I just stood there crying like an idiot.

I felt so much pressure on my chest and pain in my heart. I thought it was all reality but woke up and was glad it wasn't real

I got up and remembered I had work today. I went to the kitchen to start breakfast, as I was getting the eggs out

I get a text from Kash

''have a good day at work call me when you get off😘''

ahhhh he's so sweet

Takashi Pov

once i send camron the text i head down stairs and spot khion and my dad in the kitchen

''Goodmorning'' i yawn, "yo'' khion simply replies looking tierd as fuck, "wassup with you nigga you look like shit'' i say slapping the back of his neck laughing

"Ow fuck you",

''he drank the whole bottle of liquor that he found in the cabinet last night" my dad tells me

"fuck nigga you ain't even tell me" I say looking at Khion

''fuck is u talkin bout? you was talking nasty with camron last night'' he said lifting his head off the counter and going to the bathroom

i shake my head laughing to myself. Last night on the phone with Camron was cool as fuck, and he kept hinting something I couldn't put my finger on at first but of course I got it in the end. He tryna fuck. I wasn't ready to lay It all down on cam cause of everything he been through, plus I never been intimate with a dude so you know I gonna do my research.

I smirk to myself thinking about it

"Yo get the fuck ready these niggas about to come over here" I hear my dad yell from his room
I sigh and go to the bathroom to get my hygiene right

*30 minutes later*

Me, Khion and my dad sitting in the living room right now waiting for the niggas to show up
My dad put a gun behind the tv, in this little compartment he set up under the dining room table, and in between the couch cushions. And he gave me and Khion guns to strap ourselves with

We hear a knock at the door and my dad gets up swiftly strapping his gun behind his pants and going to open the door
"What's good" I here someone say with a strong Hispanic accent "what's good with you carlos long time no see" my dad mumbles looking the nigga up and down licking his lips

"So we gonna start this shit or what" carlos asks as he comes into the house with his goons following him.

He had a tear drop tattooed on the left side of his face and gold grills in his mouth

"Yo" he says looking at me and Khion giving us a head nod
We give him a head nod back and he goes and sits at the table and his goons stand behind him. "Is Ricky gonna show or what he always late to some shit" he says impatiently

All the sudden we here knocks at the door again. I'm guessing it's Ricky
My dad gets up to open the door
As soon as he opens it a lighter skin Latino nigga that had a snake tattoo on his face that lead all the way down to his left arm then his right sleeve was full of tats, walks in "i don't got time for that hi, how are you shit, let's get this shit started tarin" he says

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