part 7

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Camron pov

*2 days later*

I cant believe Kash wants to go out with me. like me Camron!! like that's so awesome I never thought someone like him would ever wanna go out with someone like me.

He's probably just trying to cheer me up

back in Chicago every boy at my school thought that I was into them which is far from true.

But Kash is different

I can tell that Hes still trying to figure out what he wants, and I'm no better myself I'm still trying to accept the fact that i did things.. but i need to let go of that because constantly thinking about it is getting me no where

I'm getting better, but I still think I'm going to get caught, anytime I'm out I feel as if the police are going to come up and arrest me. I know stupid right? But it could happen

I haven't seen calic ever since that day
I avoid him the rest of the day making sure a stayed far far away from him

I don't even know if he goes to the school or not since I only saw him that one time

I hear a knock at the door taking me out of my thoughts

I get up quickly already knowing who it is

I rush to the front door and there he is

I'm basically making heart eyes at kash right now embarrassing

have I ever mentioned how handsome he is?

He probably doesn't even like me in that way

"he cam" he says with a light smile giving me a side hug ''you ready to go?'' he asks

I shake my head no I was clearly not ready yet I was still in my house clothes

I turn around to go back to my room to get ready, I can here kash's footsteps following behind me

I turn around stopping him in his tracks and his eyes flicker from where they were "hello'' I say giving him a small smile

"hey'' he replies looking embarrassed

he follows me into my room ''I have to change'' I say

''I know'' he responds licking his lips

''so that means you got to go'' I tell him giggling and pushing him out of the room

''fine'' he says leaving the room laughing

i finish getting ready and look in the mirror one last time

I leave the room and find Kash sitting on the couch

he stares at me. Oh no. do I have something on my face?

''you look good'' he says smirking ''thank you'' I respond

as I start to open the door to leave he grabs my arm and says ''where yo jacket at its brick as fuck outside''

"brick?' I ask

''it's cold Camron" he responds.

oh yeah it is starting to get a little chilly

he goes into my room and gets my coat from my closet he comes back and puts it on for me

''i could have did that myself you know'' i said looking up at him ''i know'' he said looking backdown down at me

the eye contact made me want to explode

''so are we going To go or what'' I ask breaking the tension ''um yeah lets go''

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