The journey

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Emma had finally healed enough to start travelling so after speaking to Lucas and Yugo for a long time they managed to convince the two to let them go out. They packed all their stuff and got ready, just as they were about to leave Yugo told Ray to come with him for a second and passed Ray a rifle.

"Here take this, just in case"

"Won't this just slow me down?"

"Not if you're smart about it and pack into necessary items"

"Alright. I'll trust you on this" Ray walked off back to Emma and headed out with her. The two walked in silence for a while. Emma finally broke it, bored and slightly worried something was wrong.



"What did Yugo want earlier?"

"It's nothing important, don't worry Emma"

"Oh okay"

"Emma I know you're worried something is wrong but nothing is"

"I know it's just you're not ever this quiet"

"Emma I'm naturally just very quiet, it probably seems that way since it's just us two"

"I guess"

They continued to walk only taking a break once a day. The two would converse for a little bit before Emma either got distracted or Ray just slowly started responding less.

It had been a week of travelling and they finally got to the facility "Lambda". Emma passed her bag to Ray and went through the entrance, he sighed knowing it was a stupid idea and went to follow however Emma told him not to so he stood and waited.

After a while of walking, Emma notified a room ahead of her so went in to it. She looked around before noticing a taller boy with white hair. She felt herself light up with hope, hope that it was Norman. The boy turned around and Emma realised it was him.



"Yea it's me! I thought you died"

Norman came over and hugged her and she hugged back.

"No I got sent here and they've been doing tests on me ever since"

"Oh god, that sounds terrible! Come on let's get you out of here"

"I can't- I have a tracker and it's not as easy to remove as before"

"What do you mean?"

"It's implanted in my chest"

"There has to be a way to get rid of it"

"There will be and I'll figure out, just not today. But anyway did you find this all on your own?"

"I found it on the map on my own but Ray came here with me"

"Oh where is he?"

"At the entrance still"

"Ah I see"

the two spoke for a while and Ray started to wonder if something bad had happened so walked in and went to go find Emma. He finally managed her and saw Norman so knew that was the reason she took forever. Wanting to avoid being spotted he started to get ready to turn back before noticing the two kiss and knew his chances of getting with his crush were gone now. He sighed and continued to turn around and go back to waiting outside. After a few more minutes Emma came out a massive smile plastered on her face.

"Ray! Ray!"

"Yea Emma?"

"I found Norman! He's alive, he's in there but he can't live with us because of a tracker but we can find a way to remove it and save him!"

"Wait Norman is still alive? I thought he died" Ray put on a fake act pretending this was the first time he heard/ saw Norman since the shipment.

"No so did I! But he's really alive! Come on you have to go say hi!"

"Emma, let's also be careful. If we get caught we are in trouble so is safer for me to see him another time"

"But Ray I said him to you'd go visit him"

"Fine but you stay here with the stuff"

Emma nodded and Ray passed her the stuff and went back in the building, going to find Norman. He eventually found the boy and walked over to him. Norman smiled at Ray, just now noticing how much the two of them had grown especially Ray.

"It's good to see your still alive"

"I could say the same for you"

"So did you get everyone out?"

"Everyone apart from the 4 year olds and under but we are going back"

"Ah makes sense since they have won't be shipped out for another 2 years at least"


The two talked for a few minutes before Ray got curious.

"Sorry this you don't have to answer but do you still like Emma?"

"Oh- no it's fine I'll answer. We just started dating today but don't tell anyone. I want her to tell the others when she wants to"

"Ah cool, we'll I'm happy for you both"

"Thanks Ray"

"No worries but sorry to cut this short but I should head back now"

Norman nodded and the two parted ways. Emma saw Ray so smiled at him passing him his bag and the two headed back, Emma more gleeful then when they left.

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