something weird is going

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Ray finally woke up feeling better than before, he saw Emma was falling asleep so made sure she was comfy before heading downstairs. He saw the others so said hi to them all before walking off.

Ray walked past Gilda's room and could hear talking to someone, he knew he shouldn't but stopped for a second to listen to what was going on. He only managed to make out a few words but started to wonder if some of the others were feeling things they couldn't tell. He sighed and shook his head to ignore his thoughts and continued to walk, heading outside to get some fresh air. Ray stood letting his thoughts take over jumping when a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Oh sorry Ray, I didn't mean to scare you. I just saw you out here and could tell you were thinking and honestly I came out to do the same."

"You're fine Norman and yea just. Just thinking about the fact we can't stay in this hotel forever and we don't have money to get a place and-"

"And I've got that sorted. I've been slowly earning Money and saving everything I can to help. I've been doing a few jobs, selling stuff that isn't needed"

"Right but you can't do this all on your own Norman. It must be tiring, I can tell it is actually, you've really been sleeping"

"Well it is but it'll be worth it"

"Not when you get Ill and can't help because then you'll blame yourself for failing us. Is there anything I could do to help?"

"Well I was looking into a fourth job maybe you could take that instead? I haven't signed up yet but I can show you what it is"

"Sure I'll do that to help. Also not relevant but has Gilda or any of them said anything to you?"

"Well it depends because we've talked but maybe not about what you're thinking why?"

"It's just and I didn't mean to but I overheard her saying 'she's lucky but sometimes I wish it didn't happen' so it just got me thinking"

"The only thing that I can think of is she told myself and Anna that she does like someone but she can't say"

"Hm okay, well anyway get that job listing to me and I'll have a look and figure it out with Emma as well because I don't want her thinking that I'm taking all the time to work and she worries I'm avoiding her....again"


"After you got shipped out, I cut off contact with everyone since I blamed myself and just destroyed my mental health but it's better now"

"I mean I don't blame you Ray, you've had to bear knowing the truth for so long and since such a young age and to see your best friend get sent off would have really affected you"


Ray gave Norman a small smile about to turn to go inside when Emma walked out.

"Oh there you two are, I've been looking for you both and Norman a letter came for you." She passed him the letter, looking in worry when Norman sighed. Ray grabbed the paper from him not reading it but allowing Norman to be slightly annoyed without holding anything.

"Thanks Ray and just- ugh. I'm sorry"

"Norman? What's going on?"

"Read the letter"

Ray gave Norman a questioning look but did as he was told. Ray finished reading the letter and folded it up again.

"Don't be sorry, I'll cover whatever you can. How about later today we go see them" he held the letter up so Norman knew exactly what he meant. "And See if it's possible for me to take your place"

"No Ray you've already offered to do one"

"I can always do two Norman, it's not like I do anything else. It's fine I can do both"

"What's going on, the pair of you"

"Norman is working multiple jobs so we can move out of this hotel and I've offered to help him by doing some work myself so it's not all on him"

"Then let me help as well, you know I can help and I want to"

"I think that's a good idea, all of us only work one job and we can still earn enough"

"I'll work two because one job isn't too difficult. It's just puppy sitting so I can manage that as well as the main job"

"But if it starts to get too much you're cutting back okay?"

Norman nodded in agreement and the trio grabbed their shoes to head out to start their agreement. Emma was stopped by Don on her way out.

"Emma can we talk?"

"Sure, just one second" she turned to face ray and Norman "you two go ahead, ray if you find anything that you think I'd do just sign me up"

The other two nodded and walked off, Emma smiled at the two, laughing with Don slightly as Norman struggled to keep up with the fast pace Ray had set for the walk.

"Anyway sorry about that Don, what was it?"

"Let's go somewhere more private"

"Ok?" Emma held a questioning tone, slightly confused about was going on but followed Don anyway.

The two got to a private spot and stopped, Emma gave Don a questioning look as he spoke

"Look it's not my place to tell you But I think you should know this since you should be aware incase something happens"

I'm here now- RayEmmaWhere stories live. Discover now