I can't believe you

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"hey Norman, gilda wanted to talk to you"

"Okay I'll go there right now. Where is she?"

"Her room"

Norman nodded and walked off to go find Gilda

The albino boy eventually got to the room Gild was in and knocked on the door waiting for her to answer. Once she did, she brought him in and the two sat down.

"So you wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes. Now don't feel pressured to answer but is it true you have a crush?"

"Yea... yea I do. How come?"

"Well it's just, most people know I like Emma and I was curious if you still liked her"

"No I realised that I thought I did because I was placebo effecting myself into thinking I did because I didn't know it was okay to-"

"Like the same gender?"


"So who is it you like then?"

"Oh it's Ray but he is happy with Emma so I'm happy for him. Yea it hurts knowing I won't have a chance anymore but I'll move on"

"But why move on when we can be with who we want to"

"Gilda no. How- why would you even think of doing that?! I can't believe you'd think of doing something like that?!"

"Come on Norman, don't you sometimes wish Emma wasn't there and you could be the one in his arms"

"Of course I do, but I know he's happy so I'm not doing anything. And you better not try get between then because if you even try I will tell them"

"You wouldn't!"

"I would Gilda, come on imagine how you would feel if someone broke up your relationship just because they liked you"

Gilda went to speak but stopped herself, Norman gave a slight look of disappointment before getting up and walking off. He sighed his head running with thoughts and some being tempted by what Gilda said. He started to get lost in these thoughts snapping out of when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Norman? You alright? You look stressed"

"Huh?! Oh sorry Ray- it's just- nothing don't worry"

"Norman I can tell it's not"

"I'll be fine plus I don't want to burden you and it's also kinda something I can't talk about"

"Right well you can come to me for anything but let me know if you change your mind"

Norman nodded and watched Ray walk away, smiling to himself slight as he watched Ray pick up his headphones and start playing some music. He watched Emma come running in trying to Get Ray's attention before huffing releasing how loud his music was so paused it and gave a jokey glare. The two talked for a little bit before Emma walked off to Norman and smiled at him.

"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much you?"

"Yea I'm fine, great even"

"Okay what's wrong?"


"You never say you're okay like that"

"Ugh fine! I'm just feeling conflicted and like a shit person"

"Well you're not but why?"

"It's just- I like this guy but he's with someone and part of me is happy for him but part of me wants it to fail so I can be with him and I didn't feel like this until someone I knew mentioned it to me cuz she's in the same position"

"Hm, we'll one you're not alone about this and your friend feels the same so but it happens Norman everyone feels like that when someone they like is with someone else so don't worry about it! And plus do what you think is the better option"

"Yes you're right, the thoughts got too much"

"They will anywayyyyy who is he?"

"I'm not telling you"

"So it's ray?"

"Yea but please don't be mad Emma, it's just-"

"Norman I could never be mad, I don't blame you and plus I trust you to not do anything. I know you're happy or as happy as you can be for us and if it helps I don't mind if you like hug him and just lie or fall asleep on him if that helps and he's fine with it"

"Emma, first if thank you for understanding but I won't need to. I'll move on one day"

"Okay if you're sure!"

(A/n: let me know how you feel about this drama thing since I honestly have no clue where I'm going with this- Light)

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