New starts

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Ray and Emma have been together for two weeks and had only told Don, Gilda and Anna. Emma was more open about it but also took into account Ray wanted to slowly tell people so would try her best to not be to open with it by only hugging him around the others or holding his hand and if anyone questioned it she would make an excuse unless Ray said he was fine with them knowing.

The two were cuddling in Ray's room for a bit before they had to head out, Emma sighed before wriggling again.

"You uncomfortable? Need me to move?"

"No well yes I am but it's not you. It's this stupid shirt! It's really itchy"

"Just change into one of mine then, I don't mind if the others find out now. They're going to figure it out eventually"

Emma got up kissing ray as she did, he lightly blushed and watched as she rummaged through his shirts having to sniff  them.

"Haha funny Emma my shirts aren't that stinky, unlike some of the kids I actually wash them a lot"

"No it's not that I want one that smells like you! And none of them really do"

"I see, is there any that sort of has my scent?"

"Yea but it'll fade soon."

"Do you really want my scent on it?"

"I'll managed without but I'd prefer for it to"

She continued to search, Ray grabbed a shirt while she wasn't looking and switched into it passing her his old shirt.


"Awe you didn't have to"

"It's alright Emma, now go on get changed and I'll tidy this for you"

"It's fine I'll tidy it." She started to pull her shirt off so Ray quickly looked away from her and went to sit on his bed just staring down until she was done. She finished getting dressed and flopped herself back down so she was lying on Ray again, he smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her again. Emma gave off a happy sight burying her head into Ray's chest, he slightly smiled at her and stayed still so he was comfy. There was a knock on the door and Emma gave off a grumble under her breath, Ray heard this and lightly laughed before moving her to get up and answer the door.

After a few minutes. Ray turned back to face Emma.

"Who was It?"

"It was Don, he wanted to let us know we need to start leaving"

"Oh okay" she got up and walked over to Ray, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips before the two walked out to meet the others. Everyone made sure they had all they needed before they left.

They started the journey to the crossing between the human world and the demon world. Emma spent most of the journey with either Ray, Don or Gilda. Ray would walk in silence when Emma was off with the others, not because he was lonely but because he preferred the odd few moments of space and also because the only person he spoke to minus Emma was Norman and the two boys had been avoiding with each other. Emma decided to spend a little more time with the other two since she knew Ray wouldn't care but also secretly wanted to test if spent longer away from him would he be more willing to give him more physical affection.

"So Emma, how's things with Ray?"

"They are great and I'm just much happier with him"

"That's good Emma. After everything we've been through you definitely deserve to be super happy. Not that you aren't happy but you-"

"I get what you mean Don"


The three continued to talk, the conversation slowly dying out so while they walked in silence. Emma looked over to check on Ray, slightly blushing when she saw him adjusting his fringe and she caught a glimpse of his full face. She turned away immediately and started to stare down as she walked.

I'm here now- RayEmmaWhere stories live. Discover now