Hospital visits snd nightmares

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Ray woke up early the next day and headed out to the hospital to visit his mum. As he left he passed Norman so asked the albino to inform Emma where he had gone. Once that was sorted Ray made his way to the hospital taking a slow-ish walking so he could clear his thoughts and not arrive to early.

Once he arrived he signed and got told which room he was supposed to go to and headed that way. He got to the room taking a deep breath before opening the door seeing all the machines and sighed knowing he saw this sight before with someone else close to him. He say himself in the empty chair and carefully held his mum's hand muttering a "don't you dare die on me now" as he rubbed his thumb across her hand and watched her peaceful face.

After a few hours, Emma had woken up and went downstairs. She noticed she couldn't find ray anywhere so went to go find Norman

"Hey Norman have you-"

"Seen ray?"


"He's fine so don't worry but he's gone to the hospital"

"Oh okay!"

She grabbed some breakfast and had a small chat with Norman while she waited for her boyfriend to get back. He soon arrived having a bag of groceries with him, Emma raced over to him to help while Ray kicked off his shoes. Emma dragged him to their room once done and shoved a random film on suddenly in a clingy mood, ray smiled at this and let her smother him. Resting his head against her shoulder.

After a while ray started to get tired so moved away and smiled at Emma to comfort her.

"I'm going to try get some rest since I didn't sleep too well last night"

"Alright sleep well then"

She smiled as he got settled and started to fall asleep so went back to her film, turning the volume down a little hearing ray hum in thanks to her. She continued watching the film since Ray went to sleep about half way through and she knew not to bother him.

The film started to come to a finish and Emma paused it hearing sharp and rapid breathing. She looked over to see ray was short of breath and immediately woke him up, sighing in silently relief but also sadness when his eyes shot open and he looked panicked. Emma gently grabbed his hand and used her other arm to wrap around him and pull him into her.

"Just relax. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"

(A/n: short chapter since I'm with a friend for the week I'll update or start drafting the next when I can but for now I won't be uploading often :) ))

I'm here now- RayEmmaWhere stories live. Discover now