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Ray chuckled as the two argued grabbing the tv remote and start to pick a film himself. Smirking when they both stared at each other in disbelief.

emma being the first of the two to speak up "Rayyyyyyyyyyyy no one wants to watch horror film"

"ok and i do? so don't think whining isn't going to change my mind"

"I'm with Emma on this I don't think fancy watching a horror, I won't be sleeping afterwards"

"What about a non jumps scare one then?"

"Those exist?"

"Yea it's more a psychological then jump scares."

"Uhm- we could give it a go maybe?"

Ray nodded and immediately found one and put it on. The trio sat quietly to watch.

They got about half an hour before Ray noticed the two looked on edge do paused it.

"Here I can tell you're not a fan of this"

He passed the two the remote for them to pick a film, Emma let Norman grab it and picked up her phone to start researching some job ideas. Ray helped her finding a few places that might work.

"Why don't you try those stables or that dog walking job?"

"I might apply for both and see which one I get"

"Good idea"

"I might go down their now if that's okay?"

"Do you want me to come with or?"

"Nope it's fine you can watch whatever Norman puts on or do whatever. I want to do this on my own"

"Sure your choice"

Emma nodded in thanks and got up before heading downstairs to leave. She made sure she had everything before walking out of the front door and making her way to the two places.

Norman and Ray finished watching the documentary Norman had decided to watch and both boys headed downstairs. Ray went to go help Anna in the kitchen while Norman went to go talk to Don stopping when he heard the boy talking to someone so found a spot to hide in and listen, sighing quietly when he couldn't figure out who the second person was.

"Yes I know but still you have to accept the fact that she is with someone"

"I know that Don, don't you think I'm trying to do that but a part of me hopes it fails, a part of me hopes she realises she doesn't like him and that's bad to say but I still hope"

"But still it's terrible to even think. You'd be annoyed if someone felt like that about you"

"But I'd understand where they are coming from"

"Don't you get it! She won't like you. I'm sorry" before Norman could hear the rest he got up and raced off to find Ray.

I'm here now- RayEmmaWhere stories live. Discover now