I'm not jealous?-slight spoiler for chapter 177

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Ray woke up checking his phone, staring in shock as his eyes welled up at what he was reading. He sighed clearing the notification and took a deep breath wiping his eyes before walking downstairs. Gilda walked over to Ray and smiled at him.

"Hey Ray! Emma has headed out so she'll be back later"


"You okay?"

"Yea just- just trying to process something"

"Alright if you need anything I'm here"

Ray nodded and walked over to the living room, staring at the tv to see the random show Don had put on. Anna noticed the stress ray was holding and taped his shoulder.

"Ray I heard what happened, I'm so sorry and if you need anything I'm here"

"I'm fine"

He got up and she followed still trying to help him. Ray heard the front door opening so stopped in the kitchen and looked at the fruit in the bowl while watching the door from the corner of his eye. He saw Emma and walked in and internally sighed. The ginger walked over to see Anna still trying to get Ray's attention. Emma bit the inside of her cheek and walked over.

"Ray can you come with me alone?"

"What for?"

"You'll see"

He sighed and followed still having a busy mind. Emma held his hand to comfort him.

"So you may have got a message about your mum this morning and she's somewhat okay. I don't want to worry you but I went out to go and help since I know you had your moments with her but I knew you would hate if anything happened"

Ray waited till the two were away from everyone else and stopped Emma while she continue to explain.

"So I've managed to call some help for her and she's currently in a hospital trying to recover and- why have we stopped? Did I say something?"

"No you- thanks Emma!"

She immediately understood and hugged Ray holding him close and comforting him. "It's okay, you would do the same for me and anyone I cared about. So Do you want to go see her?"

"Maybe not today, I think it'll be all too much"

"Sure plus the nurses will call me with an update and um- I don't want to sound too nosy or controlling but what's going on with Anna"

"That's good and Oh don't worry you're not, she's just trying to get my attention and I don't really want to give her it"

"Alright I was just feeling jealous and I know that's bad-" she was cut off by Ray giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"It's not bad we all get jealous at times alright? I got really jealous when you spent time with Norman when we were back at the farm"

"Oh that- that makes me feel better!"

"That's good"

Emma nodded at him and smiled brightly. Ray smiled back slightly before getting dragged by Emma inside. He allowed her to, she got to her room and pushed Ray to lie down on her bed before carefully jumping on top of him to lie on his chest.

"Someone is energetic today"

"Sudden burst of it"

"Well whatever keeps you entertained then"

She stayed where she was, practically trying to hide herself in Ray. Huffing at him when someone walked into the room.

"Hey Ray- oh nevemind I'll come back"

"No it's fine, what did you need?"

"Oh well- it's basically Gilda is kinda on her tangents again and I was sent to check you've had something to eat since you got up?"

"Don't tell her but maybe not"

"Okay then-"

"Ray why haven't you eaten yet? I'm getting you some food!"

"Emma settle, it's only since I woke up like an hour ago"

"Oh right that makes sense you never want food after waking up. I get you on that it's just weird"


"You boys are so weird, how can you not be hungry after waking up?"

"No clue"

"Because Emma unlike you who is like a Labrador and can keep eating we actually get full easily" Norman said with a light chuckle, testing his luck.

"Hey that's mean! Get back here!"

"Okay but those dogs are cute-"

"You're only saying that because the one we saw the other day kept trying to follow you"

"Hah!" Emma laughed at Norman, laughing more when he gave a jokingly dramatic look at them. "Anyway now that you're here should all of us 3 watch something?"

"Yes! You wanna watch that musical you spoke about Emma?"

"Oh the history one?"


"Yes let's do it!"

"Which one?"

"Shhh Ray, you'll see"

Ray gently lifted Emma up and shuffled to make space for Norman, the latter sat down. Emma switched the musical on and the three silently watched.

After half an hour Ray felt another weight to see Norman had sat against him so carefully wiggled so his hand wasn't bothering Norman The white haired boy noticed this as well and went to move, the two boys speaking in a hushed voice.

"Oh sorry Ray"

"You're fine Norman, I'm not fussed. I was just moving my hand so you don't get knuckles digging into you suddenly"

"Ohh thanks Ray, Emma you don't mind this do you?"

"Nope just like old times! Like the whole Ray- charge and just don't steal him and you're fine"

"I won't, I'm not into guys, and yes that"'

I'm here now- RayEmmaWhere stories live. Discover now