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They got back and Emma was excited as ever and had told a few people about Norman and they were dating. She told Ray and he said the same as he did for Norman, Gilda and Anna had started to pick up on his distance Ray had become so went to talk to him one day while Emma was out.


"What?!.... Oh sorry Gilda I thought you were-"

"Emma wanting to talk about Norman again"

"Yea... exactly that"

"No worries! Can we talk?"


Gilda smiled at him and her, Ray and Anna talked about the situation a little, the blonde girl started to notice how Ray was forcing himself to ignore his emotions.

"Ray.. if you want to break down you can. We won't judge and we will make sure no one comes in"

"...it's fine. I'm fine. I'll get over it"

"Ray bottling them isn't good"

"It's fine"

"Alright if you say so, we will give you some space"

The two girls walked out and Ray immediately sat down behind his door and broke down silently crying into his knees.

After a few minutes Ray had calmed down a little, he heard a knock on the door so quickly wiped his tears and took a deep breath.

"Who is it?"

"Ray? It's Emma. I wanted to go over the plan with you"

"Oh sure, I'll be there in a minute"


Ray stood up and sorted himself out, moving his fringe to cover his face as much as he could without drawing suspicion. He walked out and Emma smiled at him, the two walked downstairs. Ray sighed in relief when she hadn't noticed but knew Gilda picked up on it. Ray just avoided eye contact with everyone, Gilda especially.

"So basically I was thinking we go and get Norman and his group because there's some adults there which can help protect us. Then we go gracefield and get Phil and everyone then get to the human world."

"Sure good idea"

The next day everyone who was going on the rescue mission got sorted and started the plan heading towards Lambda. Emma led the way with Yugo, Ray stayed near the back with Gilda and Don. Not really talking but just having the company.

Once they arrived later in the week, Emma went in and started to help evacuate everyone, Norman smiled at the sight of her and once they were out they shared a quick kiss and Ray checked everyone was there before heading back. The walk was awkward between the trio, Emma and Norman spent most of the time together meaning Ray either 3rd wheeled or had to talk to Yugo.

They eventually got back and everyone said hi and for introduced. Ray walked off to set up rooms for everyone, realising they didn't have enough so ended up telling one of Norman's gang to take his room. Everyone got ready for bed and Emma noticed Ray walking off to somewhere else.

"Ray where are you going? You room is that way isn't it?"

"Was that that way, we didn't have enough rooms so I've given others my room"

"Oh that's a kind gesture of you Ray, sleep well"

"Yea you too"

I'm here now- RayEmmaWhere stories live. Discover now