Chapter 018

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[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]


Soobin's head snapped upwards when he heard the sound of an engine. With a heavy sigh, he got up from his seat and hailed for the bus, taking out his bus card from his pocket.

Soobin absolutely hated public transport, but he had no other choice since his car was at maintenance for its annual check-up. He didn't even have his own card, he had to borrow Yun-Jae's so he could go for a workshop in school.

He got onto the bus before his eyes roamed around the bus, searching for an empty seat. He did a double take when he saw a familiar girl nodding off as she sat comfortably at the window seat.

He quickly made his way to sit next to her in case someone tried to do anything when she was asleep. As mentioned, he is indeed quite protective of Jisu.

Jisu had managed to open her eyes despite her heavy eyelids when she felt a presence take a seat next to her. Imagine her surprise when she locked eyes with Soobin who had been staring at her.

Soobin smiled slightly when Jisu hummed to acknowledge his presence since he had been expecting her to ignore him after he had walked out on her the other day.

"I'll wake you up when it's my stop," Soobin whispered softly as he continued to watch Jisu lean her head against the window. She nodded in agreement before letting her eyes flutter close.

"Soobin?" Jisu hummed, her eyes still closed as she called for Soobin's attention. Soobin responded with a hum, still scrolling through his phone as he listened to what the girl had to say.

"I like you." Soobin froze as his finger hovered over his screen, processing what he had just heard. His cheeks heated up as he looked at Jisu, who still had her eyes closed and head gently placed on the window so as to not hurt her neck when she woke up from her slumber.

"But I heard about you and Yeji. must be hurting you." Jisu softly mumbled, as if she was sleep talking. Soobin continued to look at her blankly, his hand placed limply onto his thigh as he recovered from the shock.

"But I'll be here for you, waiting. No matter how long it takes." Jisu finished off with a yawn before she snuggled her head against the window, knowing it was hopeless to wait for an answer from Soobin.

She bit on her tongue to hold in the gasp when she felt Soobin's arms pull her head to rest on his shoulder. A small smile grew on her face as she felt Soobin stroking her head gently with so much love.

Soobin chuckled lightly when he felt Jisu shifting around to find the perfect position to fall asleep, ending up in a position that resulted in her lying on his chest as his arm supported her.

The way he looked at her with eyes of just pure adoration was enough to tell anyone that he held Jisu dear. He stroked her arm to help her fall asleep easily until he felt her soft breaths against his chest.

"Don't worry, Jisu. I don't think you have to wait for that long." Soobin whispered as he tucked a hair strand behind her ear, making Jisu shift around since it was ticklish.

Soobin then gave his attention to his phone, failing to notice the small smile displayed on Jisu's lips.

"How was work, baby?" Cammy cooed as she kissed Jisu's forehead, ruffling her hair when she had kneeled down beside her bed after refilling her mother's cup.

"It was the same." Jisu hummed as she got onto the bed next to her mother, tucking her body under the covers as she snuggled next to her mother, getting ready to sleep since she had taken a shower just now.

"Do you want to sleep here?" Cammy hummed as she started to exit the tabs on her laptop after working when Jisu was away. Jisu nodded her head silently as she let her eyes flutter close.

She heard the light go off, meaning that both mother and daughter were now plunged into the darkness of the night. Cammy pushed her body a little bit more down so she could hug Jisu before drifting off to sleep.

"Mom?" Jisu hummed as she peeked at her mother's face above hers, feeling like a six-year-old once again in her mother's embrace. Her mother responded with a hum as she looked at her daughter sleepily.

"What do you think about me getting a boyfriend?" Jisu asked shyly as she played with the fabric of her mother's pajamas. Jisu squeezed her eyes tight in embarrassment hearing a gasp of surprise leave her mother's lips.

"Please do! Why, do you have one in mind?" Cammy asked eagerly as she looked at her daughter, the excitement in her eyes visible even in the dark. Jisu nodded her head, a smile growing on her lips just thinking about it.

"Oh, you're smitten with the guy, aren't you?" Cammy teased, laughing when she heard the click of Jisu's tongue, indicating that she was annoyed. Cammy held Jisu tighter in her embrace as she caressed her hair, successfully soothing her.

"Just don't do anything you'd regret, alright?" Cammy advised her daughter, hoping that she wouldn't make the same mistake of getting together with a man with one of the worsts principles ever.

Jisu nodded in response to her mother's advice, hoping that Soobin wouldn't turn out that way. Even if he might, Jisu had a hard time believing so since he always appeared soft-spoken. Though he had his flaws, Jisu loved him in every way possible.

"You'd like him, mom. He takes good care of his younger siblings and he's very kind." Jisu informed her mother with a dreamy smile playing on her lips, to which she realized her mother's words were true. She was smitten.

"Do you have a picture?" Cammy asked curiously, pulling away as she looked at her daughter eagerly. Jisu furrowed her eyebrows, pulling out her phone to see if she did have one.

She furrowed her eyebrows seeing an unfamiliar photo in her gallery. She blushed slightly seeing as it was Soobin handing her the gift he had gotten her with that darn gorgeous smile. Min Jeong must've taken it and sent it to her before acting clueless.

Reluctantly, she showed it to her mother upon realizing it was her favorite photo out of all the ones that she had. She rolled her eyes slightly seeing her gasp and zoom in to admire his features.

"See, now that I know he's handsome, you have to invite him over." Cammy huffed as she returned the phone, a cheeky smile playing on her lips as she observed Jisu's flustered expression.

"Mom, he's not my boyfriend yet." Jisu reminded, smiling slightly. Cammy shrugged her shoulders before yawning, indicating that they should fall asleep.

Jisu snuggled into her mother's arms once again, falling asleep as her mother stroked her back and listened to her mother's soft breaths.




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