Chapter 026

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[This photo is not mine; credits to the owner🥺]


"How are you doing sweetie?" Min Jeong cooed gently before pulling Yuna into a hug when she saw her answer the door. Since Jisu had taken a break from work, Min Jeong and LeeMin decided to pay her a visit to check on her.

"I'm better off than Jisu unnie," Yuna mumbled as she offered a weak smile, tightening her messy ponytail. LeeMin ruffled her hair with a sad smile before asking where his friend was.

"She's in Aunt Cam's room. She hasn't come out for days." Yuna mumbled sadly, tracing circles on her thigh as she stared into the distance. Min Jeong and LeeMin looked at each other, knowing the burden Yuna must have put on her own shoulders to take care of Jisu.

"We're here to help, alright? I'm not leaving until I get Jisu to eat." A small grin played on Min Jeong's lips as she rubbed Yuna's room encouragingly. LeeMin nudged her, glaring at her playfully.

"That's what I plan to do too." Min Jeong rolled her eyes sassily before walking into the house, thinking LeeMin's statement unimportant. LeeMin looked over at Yuna with disbelief written all over his face, making Yuna giggle slightly.

"Tell you what Yuna, why don't you take a nap over here? You yourself look like you haven't gotten a wink of sleep." Min Jeong hummed as she patted the sofa invitingly. Yuna reluctantly trudged over before plopping onto the sofa, LeeMin draping a blanket over her as the duo nagged at her to sleep like parents.

Soon enough, Yuna's eyelids drooped as she dozed off. Anyone could tell she was exhausted by the massive eye bags that she had developed over the past few days.

Making sure that she was asleep, the duo carefully made their way to where Jisu was. They bickered with each other in front of the door before coming to an agreement for LeeMin to be the one to knock on the door.

"You didn't put on your rings today?" Min Jeong snickered as they waited for a reply, observing LeeMin. He glanced at her agitatedly before opening the door and hearing the soft hum coming from the inside of the room.

"Why do you do this to yourself?" Min Jeong fretted as she rushed over to Jisu, who sat at the edge of the bed with a photo frame in her arms. She was visibly smaller than the last time they saw her, and the sparkle in her eyes had completely vanished as it was replaced with a blank look.

She didn't even respond when Min Jeong engulfed her in a hug, continuing to stare at the spot on the wall with a lost expression. Studying psychology, LeeMin had deemed that her mind was refusing to accept the fact that Cammy was indeed gone and was putting her through this torture.

He crouched down, locking eyes with Jisu as he offered a smile. Jisu quickly looked away, her lip wavering as she willed herself not to cry. LeeMin was persistent, standing back up before pulling her into his arms.

Min Jeong looked at him in disbelief having made Jisu burst into tears. LeeMin nodded his head assuringly, asking for Min Jeong's understanding. Min Jeong made a disgusted face before rolling her eyes, quickly joining in the hug.

"It gets harder every day knowing she's not coming back..." Jisu whispered into her friend's arms, who only tightened his grip as he nodded knowingly, whispering back sweet nothings as Min Jeong snuggled closer to Jisu.

"The cycle of life and death is cruel. But sometimes, we have to come to understand that that's just the way the world works." LeeMin mumbled as he wiped away the tears that ran down her face with his thumb, giving a brotherly smile.

He got distracted when Min Jeong suddenly started moving and his gaze was set on her. Jisu looked up at LeeMin who had a look that screamed that he was done with everything.

She looked behind her to see Min Jeong dancing to the choreography of 'World'. She bit back a laugh as Min Jeong closed her eyes tight, mouthing the lyrics with an exaggerated expression on her face. It was one of the many funny habits she had.

The duo burst into a fit of giggles, Min Jeong having fallen onto the bed as she accidentally bumped into the bed due to her not paying attention to her surroundings. Min Jeong glared at them while pouting as she rubbed her head.

"Let's go eat, I'll prepare some food for you." LeeMin grinned invitingly before draping his arm around Jisu's, leaving Min Jeong in the room. He bit his lip to contain his laugh hearing the loud protests come from Min Jeong as she caught up to them.

Jisu wasn't really cheered up, but she was in a slightly better mood. Though the sparkle still wasn't there, she was actually focusing on what her friends were saying as LeeMin cooked them some food. However, she did get lost in a trance sometimes, so her friends weren't successful in distracting her.

After finishing the kimchi fried rice LeeMin cooked for them, Min Jeong quickly got up from the table. LeeMin gestured for her to come back since Jisu was still eating but she chose to ignore him as she walked to the fridge excitedly. Jisu looked between the two of them, raising an eyebrow.

Jisu's eyes widened slightly seeing Min Jeong pull out a box from the fridge. They must have put it there before coming to see Jisu. Jisu peered into the box curiously as Min Jeong opened it with sound effects emitting from her own mouth.

"We bought your favorite; vanilla ice cream cake! See, we even got the cinnamon toppings for you." Min Jeong bragged as she pointed out the brown powder sprinkled onto the cake.

LeeMin looked over at Jisu to check for a reaction, surprised to see the same blank look as earlier replaced on her face. Considering it was her favorite flavor, they had expected a much more excited reaction.

"You guys should go after finishing the cake..." Jisu sighed slightly as her mood became visibly down yet again as she got up from her seat, abandoning the rest of her kimchi fried rice, making the other two confused.

They watched Jisu as she quietly trudged back to the room before closing the door after her silently. They locked eyes with each other before sighing, knowing their mission for today had failed and they didn't have a clue.

LeeMin flinched slightly when Min Jeong jumped slightly from her seat as a shriek of surprise left her lips when a sudden voice came out of nowhere. LeeMin glared at her pointily, which she returned by sticking out her tongue.

"Idiots, this was Aunt Cam's favorite flavor too." Yuna yawned as she emerged from the living room, stretching after enjoying a nap, a short time to escape from reality for a while. Min Jeong looked at LeeMin accusingly, to which he opened his mouth to protest if only Yuna didn't interrupt him again.

"You guys should have gone for strawberry shortcake instead." Yuna sat at Jisu's place, taking her spoon before taking a large spoonful and putting it into her mouth without a care.

She smirked slightly as Min Jeong nudged her, giving her a pointy look with a small smile. Min Jeong's smile suddenly faltered when she thought of something. She quickly excused herself before grabbing her phone.

Making sure the others weren't within hearing distance, she dialed the number into the phone before placing it to her ear, tapping her foot impatiently.



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