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a few nights had passed, it was the weekend, saturday afternoon. i had nothing to do all day, el was out with a few cheerleaders doing something she wouldn't tell me, dustin is MIA and lucas is hanging out with max. i didn't want to stay home all day doing nothing, and it made me want to leave even more when robin came over to see nancy, her best friend. robin can be so annoying sometimes, but we barely talk.
i wonder what will is doing today.. maybe i could hang out with him?
but what if i get that feeling again?
i don't want to see him if i know it'll happen again. i get really pissed off and confused when it happens. he's my friend, hes nothing more.
i miss him though, ive been avoiding him for as long as i could just to let my mind clear. he didnt call much this summer before he moved, he seemed mad at me when he moved back a few weeks ago. i dont know what i did but i can tell hes still not over whatever it is. lately hes just seemed so.. quiet. like every time i come around or el comes around he gets all mopey and distant. i hate it when he does that, but i can't say anything because every time we talk i get that fluttering feeling in my stomach. i will never understand why, i love el. el is a girl and she's my girlfriend and i love her.
of course i do. we love each other, we're perfect for each other.
i'm kind of glad el is busy today, all she really wants to do is be with me and kiss all the time. thats not what i want.  she hasnt really been answering lately, i hope she's not doubting us.
i don't know why i need her so much, she's just a girl. but something about her makes me feel like i can't let her go. she helps me.
i don't want to think about this.. it stresses me out too much. maybe i can run by wills. i havent really seen his house much besides once when he first moved and that was before all the furniture was in. i sit up from my basement couch and walk to my phone and dial his mothers number.
i sat in silence, waiting and listening to the loud and long sounds of ringing.

"youve reached the byers, sorry we missed your c-"

i sighed, leaning against the wall in disappointment that they didn't answer. i don't think he's doing anything, unless he's with dustin. maybe i could just run by his house?

i started walking upstairs to where my dad was napping on his chair and my mom was playing with holly on the carpet. i started walking towards the door before my moms voice stopped me.
-"where are you going?" she asked, standing up from the floor.
-"wills, i'll be back at 6 before dinner." i quickly replied, checking the my watch that read 4:47.
i jogged to my bike and found myself peddling a few miles away towards wills new house, excited to see what it looked like. i was also kind of excited to see him, i feel like ever since he moved away, we've been drifting apart. i really miss what our friendship used to be, i miss talking to him. maybe today can be where we picked up where we left off. a fresh start with will.
i stopped my bike outside the house, it was a bit bigger then the last house he owned here in hawkins, it was a two story house and it was just as big as lucas'. the first story on the outside was red brick, the top part of the house was a  brown/grey color. i noticed hoppers truck nor joyces car was in the driveway. was he home alone?
i walked up his driveway and made my way to his porch, hesitating to knock on the door.
after knocking four times, i anxiously waited there for an answer. it seemed like i waited there for hours for someone to open the door, i rang the doorbell hoping to get a response.
is will even home?
after i was starting to let myself believe nobody was home, the door opened and will stood in the doorway, softly sharing a smile with me.
-"hey, what are you doing here?" he asked, gazing at me.
i almost forgot to respond while glancing at his eyes, the way the green in his hazel eyes shined and stood out in the sunlight that peaked through the open door.
-"uh, i had nothing else to do today. i was just riding my bike around and i passed your house and i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out." i lied, trying to be as casual as possible.
-"right. sure, you can come in." he nodded, smiling as he opened the door wider for me to walk in.
i walked in and examined the place around me, it was nice and very organized. as soon as you walked in, the living room was right in front of you.
-"i'm not doing much today either, just listening to music. i can show you my room if you want?" he asked from behind me as i looked around.
-"yeah, of course." i nodded, following him upstairs.
so far so good, nothings happening.
i should calm down, it's been 2 minutes.
i followed him into his bedroom that was very well organized and not as messy as it used to be. he had a bunch of posters on his walls and his vinyls and record player in the corner of his room.
it looked the same as it did when we were kids, just rearranged and in a different setting. i saw in the corner of the room on his nightstand was the tiger stuffed animal with the sombrero hat that we both won at the fair when we were 10.
lucas, dustin, will and i were all at the fall festival and will had been having problems at home with his parents arguing.. dustin and lucas didn't know much about it because will only wanted me to know. anyway he was bothered about it all day. i won that tiger and will thought it was so cool. i knew how much he loved tigers and that he was struggling, so i gave it to him. it was a fun day for us.
-"no way, you kept this?" i ask, picking it up.
-"of course i kept it!" he chuckled, turning around to look at me.
-"it's been so long, i figured you would've thrown it away." i mumbled, setting it back down.
-"never, hes my favorite stuffed animal." will joked, making both of us chuckle.
we stood there looking at each other in awkward silence.
shit, what now? i never really thought about what we would do if he was home.
suddenly i could feel that feeling again, it was making my heart race and my face turn a bright red.
i could hear my heart beat in the cold silence as we stood there, making me nervous and anxious.
he took a deep breath, making me feel relief that the silence was over.
-"uh, hop and my mom are working and el is at the mall so there's not much for us to do.. we could play nintendo if you want?" he offered, walking over to his console that was sitting on his desk.
-"oh, yeah!" i chuckled, excitedly.
-"pick a game." he pleaded, laying a bunch of games in front of me.
i scanned through, picking donkey kong 3 and handing it to will.
-"you're on." he snarled, chuckling.


we were playing for hours, playing each and every game will owned. we went from donkey kong to duck hunt, contra, spy vs spy, and so on. we were having so much fun we didn't even realize that someone was home.
we were playing street fighter II and i kept on getting mad that will because of how he kept on beating me.
-"i'm going to kick your ass." will snarled, clicking the buttons on his controller.
-"not this time." i shook my head with a huge grin on my face, focusing extremely on the game.
we turned our heads from the sound of the door swinging open to see joyce standing there.
-"oh, hi mike!" she smiled.
-"hey, mrs byers." i smiled, turning my head back towards the game.
-"just checking in." she announced before shutting the door and letting us continue playing.
after a few moments, the door opened and we turned our heads again and saw el standing there. she was wearing white denim shorts with a white and pink floral top and her hair down and wavy.
i was so invested into the game i didn't have time to talk or respond to her.
-"hey, el!" i smiled, clicking buttons over and over.
-"what are you doing here, mike?" she asked with confusion and highness in her voice.
-"hanging out with will." i replied, not paying any attention.
-"dont you think you should've told me before you came?" she remarked.
-"yes!" will exclaimed, clapping his hands together and jumped up and down.
-"ugh, fine whatever you win." i laughed at his little victory hops, forgetting about el.
i suddenly felt that flutter in my stomach again when we were laughing, it made my smile fade. why does this always happen? i fucking hate it.
when i turned back around towards el, she was crossing her arms and looked almost upset.
before i could say anything, joyce walked up towards the doorframe and peaked her head in behind el.
-"food is almost ready guys, mike are you staying for dinner?" she cheerfully smiled at me.
shit! i forgot about my mom.
i checked my watch, i was an hour later than when i said i'd be home. it's 7:06.
-"shit! my mom is going to kill me! thanks will, mrs byers! bye!" i yelled, running past everyone and out the front door before hopping onto my bike and peddling as fast as i could towards home.
i could not get grounded again, she was already mad at me for missing curfew a few nights ago.
luckily wills house wasnt far away from mine and i got there by 7:15.
once i walked in, my mom was waiting by the staircase with her arms crossed.
-"i'm sorry, i know i said i'd be home-"
-"yeah, an hour ago! if you were going to be later then you should've called me!" she insisted.
-"i know, sorry! i was just with will, we were playing video games and i lost track of time." i explained.
she sighed, uncrossing her arms and looking at me.
-"your dinners on the table waiting for you." she hesitated, starting to walk up the stairs.
that's it?
wow, that was easy.
i walked to the dining room table, seeing a plate of chicken that was now cold and gross. i groaned in disgust before picking it up to place it in the microwave.
tonight was actually fun. will and i may be closer like we used to be again. that's all i ever wanted.
i wanted my best friend back.

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