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TW - graphic descriptions 

i sat on the edge of my bed, staring blankly at my lap. it was almost hard to think about this.. i don't even know if that was her way of breaking up with me, she never clarified. i felt so confused, i'm completely fine.. i shouldn't be. i should be calling el and apologizing and begging her to forgive me, but i don't have the interest in doing so.
why am i like this? i thought i was in love with her. i want to believe i am. i want to so, so badly. but something is keeping me back.
i look up at the mirror on my closet door in front of me, analyzing myself for the longest time.
i notice a drawing that was hanging on my bulletin board, it was one will drew. the one of us as paladin and cleric.
i smiled thinking about that photo, thinking about will..
i checked my watch, it was 7:52 pm.
fuck, i missed the campaign!
i rush downstairs and outside, ignoring my family that tried to greet me in the living room and ran into the garage to my bike and peddled as fast as i could across town to wills house, trying my best not to crash from the darkness from outside and faint headlights from my bike.
i throw my bike onto the side of the road once i saw his driveway and sprinted down the pathway to his basement back door that was surprisingly unlocked.
i opened it and saw junk clattered everywhere.
the table flipped over, the chairs fallen onto the ground and scattered.. one even being broken. and the d&d board, it was on the floor along with the dice and pieces of the game everywhere.
i saw the rolled up painting he had been working on laying on the floor as well, will was nowhere in sight.
fuck.. i really screwed up.
did dustin not show?
i ran up the stairs, hoping to see joyce but being greeted with hopper instead.
-"what are you doing here?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.
-"wheres will?" i ask urgently.
-"joyce, where's will??" hopper yelled, stretching his neck to look behind me.
-"the arcade, he said!" joyce yelled back from the living room, before hopper gave me a condescending look as my answer.
the arcade?
was he with dustin?
i run out the front door and back on my bike and rushed down the mile long road to the arcade where i suspected will to be.
i felt terrible, i was too busy focusing on myself i completely forgot about will.
i have to apologize, he has to be hurt.

i run inside the glass doors, hearing the ding from above me and seeing keith at the front desk.
-"wheeler, what do you need?" he asked, slapping his hands on the counter.
-"is will here?" i asked anxiously shaking my leg, getting more and more worried.
-"will byers!" i snapped, getting impatient.
-"oh! no, he hasn't been here. why?" he responded calmly, not helping my nerves.
i rushed out of the door and outside.
his mother said he was here!
where else would he be?
i cant call him, i don't have my walkie!
i could try to hurry and run home to try him, but will he even answer?
i would be ashamed not to try.
i hopped onto my bike, rushing all the way through the pass way in the woods to get to my house faster.


my face was burning up, there were no more tears to fall anymore, i just sat there.
i wish i never came back.
this felt worse than the bullying in california.
even though el was my only friend in lenora, she'd never stand me up like that. especially if she knew how important it was to me. my friends knew that and they still didn't show up.
i feel so embarrassed.
i lifted my head up from the sounds coming from the woods behind me, the more i payed attention.. the more clearer i could hear it.
it sounded like snapping.. snapping and cracking.
the louder and more it happened, the more worried i got. but my heart skipped at beat when i heard a thud to the ground.
i stood up from the sound, starting to creep me out.
it was dark outside, the only light was the moon and sidewalk lights.
i walked slowly to where i heard the sounds.. suspiciously and trying to be as quiet as possible in case it was some sort of rabid animal.
as i walked, i noticed something on the floor.
it was big, too big to be a squirrel or something.
the more i stepped towards it, the more i could see it.
it was a person.. a cheerleader apparently. she was wearing her uniform, i could tell from the skirt.
she was laying face down on the floor, not moving.
i got freaked out from her stillness.
-"hello? are you okay?" i asked, not receiving an answer.
it was too dark outside to notice at first, but i looked at her arms that were spread out, they were snapped in half..
i looked down at her legs, they were also broken.
i started getting a sick feeling in my stomach, was she dead?
i had to flip her over, i had to check her pulse to make sure she was alive.
i slowly reached for her shoulder and hesitated but quickly flipped her on her back to get it over with, which i really regret.
i fell backwards on the ground from what i was seeing, i felt it coming up. the sick feeling was getting worse when i saw her..
i couldn't even tell what i was looking at..
who did this..
what did this?
i ran to a bush, puking my guts out. i wanted to cry from what i was seeing, because it almost seemed impossible.. what happened to that girl. it should be impossible.


i was riding my bike down the street towards all the neighborhoods when i came across loch nora and saw cops and ambulance trucks outside near the wooded area, which made me pull back my peddle to a stop.
what happened? why were there so many people surrounding the area?
there was an entire crime scene tape surrounding the trees. i dropped my bike and felt my feet dragging towards the scene, i almost didn't notice the boy sitting in the back of the ambulance with a blanket over him.
it was will.
i sprinted as fast as i could towards him and he didn't notice me at first until i dragged him up from sitting and looked him in the eyes.
he looked horrified. his eyes looked droopy, his face was pale and the look in his eyes gave me a sick feeling.
-"what happened? are you okay??" i frantically asked, before turning my head after he did towards the EMTS.
they were flipping a tarp over a girl.. a dead girl. i couldn't see her face, but the look on everyone's face around was enough to make me not want to.
i looked back at will, still worried and confused.
did he almost die?
he didn't do this, did he?
did he see it happen?
-"are you hurt at all?" i asked, clutching onto his shoulders.
he replied with a cold, slow shake with his head while looking down.
we both turned around to the sound of a car being forced to a stop a few feet away.
joyce, jonathan, hopper and el all got out and ran over to will.
-"honey! what happened??" joyce smothered him, looking worried to death.
hopper was talking to his fellow colleagues as joyce was hugging will, tightly.
-"mike?" el tilted her head.
-"what are you doing here? what happened?" jonathan asked, suspicious of me.
-"i don't know.." i mumbled, looking back towards will.
he looked uncomfortable that i was there, he didn't even want to see me.
-"we got this, you should go." jonathan said, stepping in front of me to his brother.
i quietly scoffed to myself by being pushed out, will is my best friend, i want to know what happened to him.. badly.
i slowly back up and walk towards the road where my bike was and started walking with it beside me.
i need to tell dustin and lucas.
where is dustin?

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